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Unveiling the Meaning Behind Neil Diamond's Classic 'Song Sung Blue' Lyrics

Song Sung Blue Lyric

Song Sung Blue lyrics by Neil Diamond. A catchy tune with uplifting lyrics that will have you singing and dancing along in no time!

Song Sung Blue is a classic song that has been etched into the hearts of music lovers all over the world. The lyrics are a perfect representation of the feelings one experiences when love hits hard - it can make you feel happy, sad, and everything in between. But what makes this song stand out from others is its catchy tune and the clever use of words to convey deep emotions. So, grab your headphones and let's dive into the world of Song Sung Blue.

Firstly, the opening line itself, Song sung blue, everybody knows one, is enough to get anyone hooked. It's simple yet relatable, and it immediately sets the tone for the rest of the song. The use of the word everybody suggests that everyone has gone through a similar experience, making it a universal feeling.

The next line, Every garden grows one, is a clever transition that compares the feeling of love to something natural and inevitable. It's funny how love can sprout unexpectedly like a weed in a garden, and before you know it, it's taken over your entire being.

The chorus of the song, Funny thing, but you can sing it with a cry in your voice, and before you know it, start to feeling good, is a testament to the power of music. Even when you're feeling down, a good song can lift your spirits and make you feel better. It's almost magical how a few notes and some words can have such a profound impact on our emotions.

The line, You got me singing even though the news is bad, is particularly relevant in today's world. With everything that's going on around us, it's easy to get sucked into the negativity and lose hope. But Song Sung Blue reminds us that even in the darkest of times, there's always something to be grateful for, and music can be a source of comfort.

The second verse of the song, Funny thing, but you can sing it with a stranger in the night, and everything sounds different, speaks to the universality of music. It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from; a good song can bring people together and create a sense of community.

The line, And when you sing a song, it makes you feel alright, is a testament to the healing power of music. It's no secret that music has been used as therapy for centuries, and Song Sung Blue is a perfect example of how a simple song can make a world of difference in someone's life.

The third verse of the song, So, let the music take your mind, and somewhere on the journey, you'll find a new love, a true love, is a beautiful reminder to keep an open mind and heart. Love can come in unexpected ways, and sometimes, all it takes is a good song to help us realize what we've been missing.

The line, A love that's yours and mine, is a beautiful sentiment that suggests that love is something that belongs to everyone. It's a universal feeling that transcends race, gender, and religion.

In conclusion, Song Sung Blue is a timeless classic that has stood the test of time. Its clever use of words, catchy tune, and relatable lyrics make it a favorite among music lovers all over the world. Whether you're feeling happy, sad, or somewhere in between, there's always a song that can lift your spirits and make you feel better. So, the next time you're feeling down, put on some music and let it take you on a journey. You never know where it might lead you.

The Weird and Wonderful World of Song Sung Blue

Have you ever heard a song that just sticks with you? You know, the kind that gets lodged in your brain like a stubborn piece of gum on your shoe? Well, for me, that song is Song Sung Blue by Neil Diamond. Now, I'm not saying it's a bad song - quite the opposite, actually. It's catchy, it's upbeat, and it's got a great melody. But the lyrics? Oh boy. Let's just say they're...interesting.

Verse 1: Me and you are subject to the blues now and then.

Okay, so far so good. We can all relate to feeling a little down in the dumps every now and then. But wait, it gets better:

Verse 2: When you take the blues and make a song, you sing them out again.

Woah, hold up. So you're telling me that if I'm feeling sad, the best way to deal with it is to...write a song about it? I mean, I'm all for creative expression, but I don't know if that's the most effective coping mechanism. Plus, have you ever tried to sing when you're crying? It's not a good look.

Chorus: Song sung blue, weeping like a willow. Song sung blue, sleeping on my pillow.

Okay, this is where things start to get a little weird. Neil Diamond is personifying his sadness as a song that's weeping and sleeping on his pillow. I don't know about you, but if I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a song sitting on my pillow, I'd probably freak out a little bit.

Verse 3: Funny thing, but you can sing it with a cry in your voice.

Wait, so now we're supposed to be crying while we're singing? I thought the whole point of writing a song about your sadness was to get it out and move on. This just seems like it's perpetuating the cycle of sadness.

Verse 4: Sad thing, but it's been a good love.

Okay, now we're getting into some real emotional whiplash. One minute we're supposed to be weeping like willows, the next we're being told that it's been a good love. Make up your mind, Neil!

Bridge: Every time you hear a sad guitar, someon's been hurt by love.

I mean, I guess that's true. But couldn't we also argue that every time you hear a happy guitar, someone's been helped by love? Or every time you hear a kazoo, someone's feeling silly? The logic just doesn't hold up.

Verse 5: Funny thing, but you can sing it with a smile in your voice.

Oh great, now we're supposed to be smiling while we're singing? I give up.

Outro: Song sung blue, everybody knows one. Song sung blue, every garden grows one.

Well, I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure my garden is full of dandelions and weeds, not sad songs. But hey, to each their own.

The Bottom Line

So what's the moral of the story here? Honestly, I have no idea. Maybe it's that we all experience sadness in different ways, and sometimes the best way to deal with it is to just let it out through creative expression. Or maybe it's that Neil Diamond is a lyrical genius who can make even the most nonsensical lyrics sound catchy as hell. Either way, I'll keep singing Song Sung Blue at the top of my lungs - crying, smiling, or just plain confused.

Song Sung Blue: Summer Lovin', but Where's the Fun?

Are you ready to hit the beach and soak up some sun? Well, the tune of Song Sung Blue might make you feel like you're in paradise, but the lyrics will quickly bring you back to reality. It's the ultimate summer buzzkill! With lines like funny thing, but you can sing it with a cry in your voice, it's clear that whoever wrote this song isn't feeling the vacation vibes. So, grab your sunscreen, but don't forget your tissues.

Ex On The Brain

It's clear that someone who wrote this song has a certain someone on their mind. And that someone is their ex. With lines like everybody knows one, every body knows one, it's almost like they're trying to send a message to their former flame. Maybe it's time to move on and find someone new to share those summer nights with.

Fifty Shades of Blue

If you're looking for a song to match your sad shower mood, Song Sung Blue is the perfect choice. The melancholy melodies and heartbreaking lyrics are sure to make you shed a tear or two. Just don't blame us if you end up using your loofah as a tissue.

Don't You Forget About Me

Whoever penned this tune clearly has a serious case of nostalgia. With the doo doo refrains and the wistful lyrics, it's like they're stuck in the past. Break out the yearbook and tissues, folks, because this song is sure to bring up some old memories.

Color Blind, But Not Tone Deaf

Despite the focus on the color blue, Song Sung Blue still manages to have some catchy melodies. It may not be the most uplifting song, but at least it sounds good. So, turn up the volume and let the sad tunes flow.

It Takes Two (To Tear Up My Heart)

Who hurt the person behind these lyrics? It's clear that they're not over it. Song Sung Blue is the perfect soundtrack for anyone going through a tough breakup. It's time to let those emotions out and sing your heart out.

Self-Deprecation Station

With lines like empty words I know, it's clear that whoever wrote this song isn't too thrilled with themselves. But hey, don't be so hard on yourself! We all have our moments of self-doubt. Just remember, there's always karaoke to boost your confidence.

Not Quite A Love Song

Although Song Sung Blue may be about heartache, it's not exactly a romantic ballad. If you're looking for a love song to serenade your summer crush, try Ed Sheeran instead. Or better yet, write your own love song and make it a hit!

The Original Blues Brothers

While Song Sung Blue may not be a traditional blues tune, the melancholy feel definitely has some roots in the genre. Maybe next time we can get a 12-bar solo? Either way, it's clear that the blues are alive and well in this song.

Better Out Than In

We all have our sad songs, right? Sometimes it's just easier to let those feelings out through music. Song Sung Blue may not be the most uplifting tune, but it's definitely one that will get those emotions flowing. So, go ahead and sing along. We won't judge.

The Story of the Song Sung Blue Lyric

The Inspiration

It all started with a man named Neil Diamond. He was a talented musician and songwriter who had a knack for writing catchy tunes that would get stuck in your head for days. One day, while he was sitting at his piano, he started playing around with a melody that he couldn't get out of his head. He knew he was onto something.

But what should the lyrics be about? He thought about love, heartbreak, and all the other usual topics. But nothing seemed quite right. Then he remembered a conversation he had with a friend about how sometimes when he was feeling down, he would listen to music to help lift his spirits. That's when it hit him: he would write a song about the power of music to make you feel better.

The Writing Process

So, Neil Diamond sat down and started writing the lyrics to what would become one of his most famous songs, Song Sung Blue. At first, he struggled to find the right words to convey the message he wanted to send. But eventually, the lyrics started to flow, and he knew he had something special.

The song talks about how even though life can be tough sometimes, you can always turn to music to help you through it. The lyrics are simple but powerful:

Song sung blueEverybody knows oneSong sung blueEvery garden grows one

Neil Diamond knew that these words would resonate with people all over the world.

The Legacy

And he was right. Song Sung Blue became an instant classic when it was released in 1972. It reached number one on the charts in both the United States and Canada, and it has been covered by countless artists over the years.

But perhaps the most memorable thing about the song is its chorus. The simple, repetitive melody of Song sung blue, weeping like a willow is something that has been stuck in people's heads for decades. And even though the lyrics are about feeling sad, the song itself has a way of making you feel happy and nostalgic.

A Humorous Take on Song Sung Blue

The Catchiness

Let's be real: Song Sung Blue is one of those songs that you either love or hate. But even if you fall into the latter category, you can't deny that the melody is catchy as hell. Seriously, try listening to it without humming along. It's impossible.

The Lyric

And while the lyrics might seem a little cheesy at first, they actually have a lot of depth. I mean, who among us hasn't turned to music to help us through a tough time? Whether it's a breakup, a bad day at work, or just a general feeling of malaise, there's always a song out there that can make us feel better.

Plus, let's not forget the iconic line Every garden grows one. Sure, it might be a little bit of an odd metaphor, but you can't deny that it's memorable.

The Legacy (and Earworms)

All joking aside, Song Sung Blue is a song that has stood the test of time. It's been more than 40 years since it was released, and people still can't get it out of their heads. That's a testament to just how catchy and memorable it is.

So, the next time you find yourself humming Song sung blue, weeping like a willow for the millionth time, just embrace it. After all, there are worse earworms to have.

Table of Keywords

Keyword Definition
Neil Diamond An American singer-songwriter known for his catchy tunes
Song Sung Blue A hit song written by Neil Diamond in 1972
Lyrics The words to a song
Catchy Easily memorable and likely to get stuck in your head
Metaphor A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable
Legacy The lasting impact or influence of something
Earworm A catchy song or melody that gets stuck in your head

That's a Wrap!

Well, dear visitors, it looks like we've reached the end of our journey through the peculiarly captivating lyrics of Song Sung Blue. Wasn't that just a hoot and a half? I'm sure we've all gained a newfound appreciation for the artistry and subtlety that goes into crafting a memorable tune.

Before we part ways, I thought I'd leave you with a few final thoughts on this timeless classic. First and foremost, can we just take a moment to appreciate the sheer absurdity of some of these lyrics? I mean, Me and you are subject to the blues now and then, but when you take the blues and make a song, you sing 'em out again? Who comes up with this stuff?

But somehow, against all odds, Neil Diamond manages to churn these nonsensical phrases into a catchy, toe-tapping anthem that has stood the test of time. And honestly, isn't that what music is all about? Taking life's little quirks and turning them into something beautiful that we can all relate to?

Of course, we can't talk about Song Sung Blue without giving a shout-out to one of its most iconic lines: Funny thing, but you can sing it with a cry in your voice, and before you know it, get to feeling good, you simply got no choice. I mean, truer words have never been spoken, am I right?

There's just something about the way that Diamond captures the bittersweet nature of life that makes us want to sing along, even when we're feeling down. And if that's not the mark of a great songwriter, I don't know what is.

So, my dear readers, let's raise a glass (or a microphone) to Song Sung Blue and all the joy it has brought us over the years. Whether you're singing in the shower or belting it out at karaoke, this song will always have a special place in our hearts.

And with that, I bid you adieu. Thanks for joining me on this journey through the wacky world of song lyrics. Until next time, keep on singin' those blues away!

People Also Ask: Song Sung Blue Lyric

What is the meaning of the song Song Sung Blue?

The song Song Sung Blue is a simple but catchy tune written and performed by Neil Diamond. It is said to be about the emotional power of music and its ability to lift the spirits of those who listen to it.

Who wrote the lyrics to Song Sung Blue?

The lyrics to Song Sung Blue were written by Neil Diamond himself. He originally wrote the song as a tribute to the music of Frank Sinatra, but it quickly became one of his biggest hits.

What does the line Song sung blue, weeping like a willow mean?

This line is meant to convey the sadness and melancholy that can sometimes come with listening to music. The image of a weeping willow tree is often used to represent sadness or mourning, so it fits well with the theme of the song.

Is Song Sung Blue a love song?

Not really. While there are some romantic overtones to the lyrics, the song is more about the universal power of music to touch people's hearts and bring them together.

Can you sing Song Sung Blue without sounding like a total dork?

Well, that's up for debate. Some people might argue that any attempt to sing Song Sung Blue without sounding dorky is doomed to failure. But hey, if you're feeling brave, go ahead and give it a shot!

Bonus Tip:

  • If you really want to impress your friends with your rendition of Song Sung Blue, try adding some dramatic hand gestures or air guitar moves to your performance. It might not make you sound less dorky, but at least you'll look like you're having fun!