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Auburn Perfect Two Lyric: A Heartfelt Ode to Unconditional Love

Auburn Perfect Two Lyric

Discover the heartwarming lyrics of Auburn's Perfect Two and share the love with your significant other. Perfect for date nights and romantic gestures.

Are you tired of listening to the same old love songs that make you want to gag? Well, hold onto your hats because I've got the perfect solution for you. Let me introduce you to the catchy and humorous lyrics of Perfect Two by Auburn. This song is not your typical lovey-dovey tune; it's a fun and playful take on what it means to be in a relationship. So, put on your dancing shoes and get ready to jam out to the hilarious and relatable lyrics of Perfect Two.

First off, let's talk about the intro of this song. It starts with an upbeat and catchy melody that sets the tone for the rest of the song. As soon as you hear the first few notes, you know you're in for a treat. The intro is like the appetizer before the main course, and it does an excellent job of getting you excited for what's to come.

Now, let's dive into the lyrics themselves. This song is all about the ups and downs of being in a relationship. It's not afraid to poke fun at the silly arguments and quirks that come with being with someone. For example, in the first verse, Auburn sings, You can be the peanut butter to my jelly / You can be the captain, and I can be your first mate. These lines are not only adorable but also show the give-and-take nature of a healthy relationship.

Furthermore, the chorus of this song is an absolute bop. It's impossible not to sing along when Auburn belts out, You're the apple to my pie / You're the straw to my berry / You're the smoke to my high / And you're the one I wanna marry. These lines are so catchy and memorable that you'll find yourself singing them for days after listening to the song.

But what really sets Perfect Two apart from other love songs is its honesty. Auburn isn't afraid to talk about the less glamorous parts of being in a relationship. In the second verse, she sings, You can be the prince, and I can be your princess / You can be the sweet tooth, I can be the dentist. These lines show that even in the happiest of relationships, there are still going to be disagreements and compromises.

Another standout feature of this song is its bridge. It's a beautiful moment where Auburn sings, I'm not perfect, no, not at all / But I love you for who you are, flaws and all. This line is so important because it reminds us that nobody is perfect, and that's okay. We should love our partners for who they are, imperfections and all.

Overall, Perfect Two by Auburn is a refreshing take on love songs. Its humorous and relatable lyrics make it a joy to listen to, and its catchy chorus will have you singing along in no time. So, if you're looking for a new song to add to your playlist, give Perfect Two a listen. Trust me; you won't regret it.

The Intro

Have you ever heard of the song “Perfect Two” by Auburn? It’s a classic love song that has been around for quite some time now. The lyrics are so relatable that it has become one of the most popular tracks on people’s playlist. It’s hard not to love the catchy tune and the heartwarming lyrics that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. But let’s be real, there are some parts of the song that can be a little bit too much for our taste. So, let’s dive into the lyrics of “Perfect Two” and see what makes it so special.

The First Verse

The song starts with “You can be the peanut butter to my jelly,” which is honestly a cute line. Who doesn’t like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? If you don’t, we can’t be friends. But then it continues with “You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly.” Excuse me, what? I’m sorry, but I do not want anyone causing my stomach to feel like it’s having an insect infestation. That’s just gross. I’ll stick to my PB&J, thank you very much.

The Chorus

The chorus is where the song really shines. It’s catchy, it’s sweet, and it’s everything you want in a love song. “Cause we’re the perfect two, we’re the perfect two. Baby, me and you, we’re the perfect two.” Aww, how adorable. But let’s not forget about the line “I’m the one you need, you’re the one I need.” Is it just me or does that sound a little possessive? Like, calm down, Auburn. We get it, you’re in love, but no need to claim ownership over each other.

The Second Verse

“You can be the prince and I can be your princess.” Okay, we’re getting a little bit cheesy here, but we’ll allow it. “You can be the sweet tooth, I can be the dentist.” Wait, what? So, you’re saying that one of you is going to have a bunch of cavities and the other is going to have to clean them up? Sounds like a terrible trade-off if you ask me. Plus, who wants to be reminded of going to the dentist while listening to a love song?

The Bridge

The bridge is where things get a little bit intense. “You know that I’ll never doubt ya, and you know that I think about ya. And you know I can’t live without ya, I love the way that you smile.” Okay, calm down, Auburn. We get it, you love this person. But saying “I can’t live without ya” is a little bit extreme. What if they need to go to the grocery store or something? Are you just going to die while they’re gone?

The Third Verse

“You can be the captain and I can be your first mate.” This seems like a healthy relationship dynamic. You’re both working together to navigate through life’s ups and downs. “You can be the chills that I feel on our first date.” Okay, that’s actually kind of cute. We’ll give Auburn a pass on this one.

The Outro

The song ends with the chorus, which is always a good way to wrap things up. “Cause we’re the perfect two, we’re the perfect two. Baby, me and you, we’re the perfect two.” Overall, the lyrics of “Perfect Two” are cheesy, but in a good way. It’s a feel-good song that reminds us of the sweetness of being in love. Sure, there are some lines that are a little bit too much, but we’ll forgive Auburn for that. After all, love makes you do crazy things.

The Final Thoughts

In conclusion, “Perfect Two” by Auburn is a classic love song that will never go out of style. The lyrics may be a little bit cheesy at times, but that’s what makes it so endearing. It’s a song that you can’t help but sing along to and it puts a smile on your face. So, the next time you’re feeling down or just want to listen to something uplifting, give “Perfect Two” a listen. Who knows, it might just become your new favorite song.

This Isn't Your Typical Love Song

If you're tired of listening to the same old love songs that make you want to gag, then Auburn's Perfect Two is the song for you. It's not your typical mushy-gushy love song, but rather a fresh take on what love can be. It's the kind of song that will make you smile and remind you why falling in love is so darn fun.

But Seriously, Who Doesn't Want A Perfectionist Significant Other?

Okay, okay, we get it – perfectionists can be a bit annoying at times. But let's be real, who doesn't want a partner who strives for excellence? In Perfect Two, Auburn sings about wanting someone who's perfect in every way, and we can't blame her. After all, there's something satisfying about being with someone who's got it all together.

You'll Be Singing You're The Peanut Butter To My Jelly In No Time

When was the last time a love song made you crave a PB&J sandwich? Never, right? Well, get ready to change that because after listening to Perfect Two, you'll be singing about being someone's peanut butter to their jelly all day long. It's the kind of sweet sentiment that'll make you want to pack your lunchbox and head back to school.

This Is The Ultimate Car-Karaoke Song

We all know that feeling of belting out tunes in the car like nobody's watching (even if they totally are). And Perfect Two is the ultimate song for that. With its catchy beat and simple chorus, you'll be singing along in no time. So roll down those windows, turn up the volume, and get ready to rock out like nobody's business.

It's A Reminder That Love Can Be Fun

Sometimes we get so caught up in the serious side of love – the commitment, the sacrifice, the hard work – that we forget that it can be fun too. But Perfect Two is a reminder that falling in love is worth celebrating and enjoying. It's the kind of song that'll make you want to grab your partner's hand and dance like nobody's watching.

You'll Want To Dance Like No One's Watching

Speaking of dancing, the beat in Perfect Two is just too catchy to resist. Before you know it, you'll be moving and shaking like nobody's business. And hey, that's okay! Sometimes you just need to let loose and have a little fun. Just make sure nobody's watching (or do – we won't judge).

This Song Proves That Relationships Are A Team Effort

As much as we'd all like to think that we're perfect, the truth is that we need someone else to make us whole. And that's exactly what Perfect Two acknowledges. It's a reminder that relationships are a team effort, and that we should always be striving to support and uplift one another. After all, two heads are always better than one.

There's Something So Satisfying About Singing La La La

The chorus of Perfect Two may be simple, but there's something oh-so-satisfying about singing la la la over and over again. Maybe it's the way the words roll off your tongue, or maybe it's the fact that you don't have to worry about hitting any high notes. Either way, it's the kind of chorus that'll make you want to sing along every time.

You'll Be Reminiscing About Your Own Perfect Two

After listening to Perfect Two, you'll inevitably start thinking about that special someone who acts as your own perfect two. Maybe it's your partner, maybe it's your best friend, or maybe it's even your pet (hey, we don't judge). Whoever it is, this song will make you appreciate them all the more.

It's The Ultimate Feel-Good Song

At the end of the day, Perfect Two is just a feel-good song. It's the kind of song that puts a smile on your face and makes your heart happy. And who couldn't use a little bit of that in their day? So go ahead, turn up the volume, and let Auburn's sweet melodies wash over you. Trust us, you won't regret it.

The Hilarious Tale of Auburn Perfect Two Lyric

What is Auburn Perfect Two Lyric?

Auburn Perfect Two Lyric is a popular song that was released in 2011. The song was performed by an American singer, songwriter, and rapper named Auburn.

Table Information about Auburn Perfect Two Lyric

Keyword Definition
Auburn An American singer, songwriter, and rapper who performed Perfect Two Lyric
Perfect Two Lyric A popular song released by Auburn in 2011

Now that we have the basics out of the way, let me tell you a hilarious story about Auburn Perfect Two Lyric.

Once upon a time, my friend was trying to impress his crush by singing her a love song. He thought he had found the perfect song in Auburn Perfect Two Lyric. So, he practiced for hours and finally felt confident enough to sing it to her.

When they met up, he took out his guitar and started singing. But instead of impressing her, he made her laugh uncontrollably because he had gotten some of the lyrics wrong. Instead of singing you're the apple to my pie, he sang you're the nipple to my thigh.

Needless to say, his crush was in stitches, and he was mortified. He had no idea how he had gotten the lyrics that wrong. After all, it's not like the lyrics are hard to understand. But, as it turns out, sometimes our brains hear what they want to hear.

So, there you have it, folks. A hilarious tale about Auburn Perfect Two Lyric and how it can make even the most romantic of moments turn into a comedy routine.

That's a Wrap Folks!

Hello there, dear visitors! We have reached the end of our journey through the world of Auburn and their Perfect Two lyrics. It's been a wild ride, hasn't it? We've laughed, we've cried, we've probably even sung along to the tune a few times. But now, it's time to say goodbye, and what better way to do so than with a little bit of humor?

First and foremost, let's take a moment to appreciate the fact that we have spent a considerable amount of time analyzing a song that's all about finding the perfect partner. And yet, here we are, single as ever, trying to decode the lyrics in search of some kind of romantic guidance. Oh, the irony!

Let's not forget the amount of times we've tried to sing along to this song, only to realize that our vocal range is nowhere near as impressive as Auburn's. We've probably butchered the lyrics more times than we care to admit, but hey, at least we had fun doing it!

Speaking of the lyrics, can we just take a moment to appreciate the poetic genius that is You're the peanut butter to my jelly? I mean, who knew that comparing your significant other to a sandwich condiment could be so romantic?

And let's not forget the iconic line, If I was a boy, you'd be the only girl for me. Sorry Beyonce, but Auburn did it better. This line has become the ultimate testament to true love, and we can't help but swoon every time we hear it.

But let's be real for a second. As much as we love dissecting and analyzing these lyrics, the truth is that finding the perfect partner isn't about having a checklist of qualities that they need to meet. It's about finding someone who accepts and loves you for who you are, flaws and all. And if we can take away one thing from Auburn's Perfect Two, it's that.

So, as we bid farewell to this iconic song and its lyrics, let's remember to keep searching for that special someone who will be the peanut butter to our jelly, the yin to our yang, the perfect two. And who knows, maybe someday we'll find them. Until then, let's keep singing along to the tune and enjoying the journey.

Thank you for joining me on this adventure through the world of Auburn and their Perfect Two lyrics. It's been a pleasure sharing my thoughts and opinions with you all. Now go out there and find your perfect two!

People Also Ask About Auburn Perfect Two Lyric

What is the meaning behind the lyrics of Auburn's Perfect Two?

Well, let me break it down for you. The song is about finding that special someone who completes you and makes you feel like you're perfect together. It's a love song, but with a touch of humor because let's be honest, no one is really perfect.

Who wrote the song Perfect Two by Auburn?

The song was written by Auburn Williams and Jonathan Keyes. Auburn is also the artist who recorded the song.

What genre does the song Perfect Two belong to?

The song is classified as pop, with a hint of R&B and hip hop influences.

What are some of the most popular lines from the song?

  • You're the apple to my pie
  • You're the straw to my berry
  • You're the smoke to my high
  • You're the one I want to marry

Let's be real, these lines are cheesy but they're also catchy and memorable. Plus, who doesn't love a good food metaphor?

Why did the song become so popular?

Well, aside from the catchy lyrics and Auburn's beautiful voice, the song became popular because it's relatable. Everyone wants to find that person who completes them and makes them feel like they're perfect together.


So there you have it, folks. Auburn's Perfect Two is a love song that's both cheesy and relatable. Whether you're in a relationship or still searching for your perfect match, this song is sure to make you smile and maybe even sing along.