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Discover the Catchy Lyrics of Baby I Like It - A Must-Have on Your Playlist!

Baby I Like It Lyric

Discover the catchy lyrics of Baby I Like It - a fun and upbeat song perfect for any summer playlist. Get hooked on the chorus today!

Baby I Like It is a song that has been on everyone's lips since it was released. The lyrics are simply amazing, and they have a way of making you want to dance non-stop. If you haven't listened to this song yet, then you're missing out on a lot. It's one of those songs that you can't help but sing along to, even if you don't know all the words. So, what makes the Baby I Like It lyrics so special? Well, let's dive in and find out.

Firstly, the opening lines of the song are just perfect. It's been a long time since I've seen your face, I've been everywhere and back trying to replace everything that I've had till my feet went numb. These lines instantly grab your attention and make you want to know more. Who is the singer talking about? Why did they go everywhere and back? And why did their feet go numb? It's like a mini mystery that you want to solve.

Furthermore, the chorus of the song is incredibly catchy. Baby I like it, the way you move on the floor, baby I like it, come and give me some more, oh yeah, 'cause I like it. It's impossible not to get up and dance when you hear these lines. They have a way of making you feel good and forgetting all your worries.

Moreover, the song has a great rhythm and beat that complements the lyrics perfectly. You can't help but move your body to the music, even if you're not a dancer. It's like the song was specifically designed to make you feel good and forget all your problems.

Additionally, the lyrics are relatable to anyone who has ever been in love or had a crush on someone. I've been looking for a girl like you, not quite a lady but so intriguing, hey, hey, I wanna be your boyfriend. These lines are so sweet and romantic, and they make you want to fall in love all over again.

Furthermore, the song has a humorous tone that makes you smile. I'm feeling like a star, you can't stop my shine, I'm loving cloud nine, my head's in the sky, I'm solo, I'm riding solo, I'm feeling like a star, you can't stop my shine, I'm loving cloud nine, my head's in the sky, I'm solo, I'm riding solo. These lines are so funny and playful, and they show that the singer doesn't take himself too seriously.

Moreover, the lyrics have a great flow that makes them easy to sing along to. You don't have to be a professional singer to enjoy this song. All you need is a love for music and a desire to have fun.

Additionally, the song has a positive message that encourages you to be yourself and enjoy life. I'm feeling like a star, you can't stop my shine, I'm loving cloud nine, my head's in the sky, I'm solo, I'm riding solo. These lines remind you that you are special and that you should never let anyone bring you down.

Furthermore, the song has a great energy that makes you feel alive. It's like the music is flowing through your veins and giving you a burst of energy that you didn't know you had.

Moreover, the lyrics are so relatable that you can't help but connect with them on a personal level. I've been looking for a girl like you, not quite a lady but so intriguing, hey, hey, I wanna be your boyfriend. These lines are so sweet and romantic, and they make you want to find that special someone.

Lastly, the song is just plain fun. It's the kind of song that you can play at a party or in your car with the windows down. It's a feel-good song that never gets old.

In conclusion, the Baby I Like It lyrics are simply amazing. They have a way of making you feel good and forget all your worries. The song is catchy, relatable, humorous, and positive. It's the kind of song that you can listen to over and over again without getting tired of it. If you haven't listened to this song yet, then what are you waiting for? Give it a listen and let the music take you on a journey.


Have you heard the song Baby I Like It by Enrique Iglesias featuring Pitbull? If not, you're missing out on one of the catchiest and most hilarious songs of the decade. The lyrics are pure comedy gold, with lines that are both absurd and relatable at the same time. Let's take a closer look at some of the funniest lyrics in the song.

The Opening Lines

The song starts off with Enrique Iglesias singing, It's my time, it's my life, I can do what I like. Well, we all wish we could just do whatever we want without any consequences, but unfortunately, that's not how life works. However, it's still a great line to scream at the top of your lungs when you're feeling rebellious.

The Chorus

The chorus is where the real magic happens in this song. It goes, Baby, I like it, the way you move on the floor. Baby, I like it, come on and give me some more. Oh, yes, I like it, screaming like never before. Baby, I like it, I, I, I like it. It's a simple chorus, but the repetition of I like it makes it impossible not to sing along. Plus, who hasn't screamed like never before at a party?

The First Verse

The first verse is where Pitbull comes in with his signature rap style. He raps, Girl, please excuse me if I'm coming too strong, but tonight is the night we can really let go. My girlfriend's out of town and I'm all alone. Your boyfriend's on vacation and he doesn't have to know. Okay, first of all, if someone asks you to excuse them for coming on too strong, that's a red flag. Secondly, why is your girlfriend out of town and you're home alone? And finally, if you have to keep your hookup a secret from your significant other, maybe you shouldn't be doing it.

The Second Verse

In the second verse, Enrique Iglesias sings, Every time I look into your eyes, I feel like I could stare in them for a lifetime. We can get together, maybe we can start a team. And I know this is forever, baby, anything's possible. Starting a team? What kind of team? A sports team? A dance team? The possibilities are endless. And apparently, anything is possible when you're in love, even starting a team.

The Bridge

The bridge is where things really take a turn for the bizarre. Enrique Iglesias sings, Don't stop, baby, don't stop, baby. Just keep shaking along. I won't stop, baby, won't stop, baby. Until you get enough. It's unclear what he won't stop doing until she gets enough, but let's hope it's something legal.

The Final Chorus

The final chorus brings back the repetition of I like it with some added flavor from Pitbull. He raps, One love, one love. Enrique Iglesias, Pitbull. Y'all know what time it is. We go set it off tonight, just go. Set the club on fire, just go. Enrique, holler at them like... and then the chorus kicks back in. Honestly, at this point, the lyrics don't even matter anymore. You're too busy dancing and trying to keep up with Pitbull's rapid-fire rhymes.

The Outro

The song ends with Enrique Iglesias repeating, I like it over and over again until it fades out. It's a fitting end to a song that's all about liking things. It's a simple message, but one that we can all relate to. We all like something, whether it's dancing, partying, or just having a good time.


Baby I Like It is a song that doesn't take itself too seriously, and that's what makes it so great. It's a fun, upbeat track that you can't help but dance to. The lyrics may be silly, but they're also strangely relatable. Who hasn't wanted to just let go and have a good time? So next time you're at a party and this song comes on, don't be afraid to let loose and scream, Baby, I like it!

Baby I Like It Lyric: A Humorous Take on the Adoration of Babies

Why Do Babies Get All the Attention?

Have you ever wondered why babies get all the attention? They can't even speak, yet everyone fawns over them like they're royalty. I mean, have you seen those chubby cheeks and tiny toes? It's like they were designed to be irresistible. And don't even get me started on their little giggles and coos. It's like they have a direct line to our hearts.

The Baby's Got More Game Than Me

But you know what's really unfair? The fact that babies are born with more game than most of us will ever have. They don't have to do anything, and yet everyone wants to hold them, kiss them, and pinch their cheeks. Meanwhile, I'm over here struggling to make small talk at a party. It's like the universe decided to give all the charisma to babies and left the rest of us hanging.

I Wish I Could Be A Baby Again

Sometimes I catch myself wishing I could be a baby again. Think about it - no responsibilities, no bills to pay, no need to worry about the future. All you have to do is eat, sleep, and play. And let's not forget about the fact that everyone dotes on you like you're the most precious thing in the world. It's like being a celebrity, but without all the paparazzi.

The Soundtrack to Baby's First Crush

One of the cutest things about babies is how they fall in love with the simplest things. Whether it's a favorite toy or a pet, watching a baby develop a crush is pure joy. They'll stare at their object of affection with wide eyes and a big smile, making cooing sounds that melt your heart. It's like they're experiencing love for the first time, and we get to witness it all.

I Can't Compete with a Baby's Cuteness

Let's be real - even if I tried my best to be adorable, I could never match the cuteness of a baby. They have chubby cheeks, tiny fingers, and the most infectious giggles. Meanwhile, I'm over here trying to figure out how to pose for a decent selfie. It's like babies have a secret weapon that makes them unbeatable in the cute department.

A Baby's Life is a Party

Have you ever noticed how every day is a celebration when you're a baby? From naps to playtime, everything is a reason to smile and laugh. They don't have to worry about deadlines or meetings, and they don't care about what anyone thinks of them. It's like they know the secret to a happy life, and we're all just trying to catch up.

Babies Are The True Bosses

Let's face it - babies run the show. They cry, and we come running. They want to be held, and we oblige. They want to eat, and we feed them. It's like they're the true bosses, and we're just their loyal subjects. But you know what? We wouldn't have it any other way.

Baby's First Words

One of the most magical moments in a baby's life is when they utter their first words. It's like they're unlocking a whole new world of communication, and we get to witness it firsthand. Whether it's mama, dada, or something completely unexpected, hearing a baby's first words is a milestone that's cherished by everyone.

The Only Rival I Have is a Baby

As much as I hate to admit it, my biggest competition for love and affection is a baby. They have everyone wrapped around their tiny fingers, and I'm over here trying to come up with witty one-liners. It's like they've stolen all the attention, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Baby's Got More Moves Than Me

Last but not least, let's talk about the unique dance moves of a baby. From flailing arms to wiggling hips, they have a style all their own. Meanwhile, I'm over here doing the same two-step I learned in middle school. It's like babies have a natural rhythm that's impossible to replicate. But you know what? We love them for it anyways.

Baby I Like It Lyric: A Humorous Story

The Backstory of Baby I Like It Lyric

Have you ever heard the song Baby I Like It by Enrique Iglesias? If not, you're missing out on some serious fun! The song was released in 2010 and immediately became a hit. The lyrics are catchy, and the beat is infectious. But have you ever stopped to think about what the lyrics actually mean? Let me tell you a story.

The Story of Baby I Like It Lyric

Once upon a time, there was a man named Enrique. He had a crush on a girl, and he wanted to express his feelings to her. But he was shy and didn't know how to do it. So, he decided to write a song for her. He sat down with his guitar and started strumming. The first thing that came to his mind was Baby I like it. He thought it sounded cool, so he wrote it down. Then he added some more lines to the song, like I can't deny it, I really want to try it. He thought it sounded romantic, but little did he know that it would later become a meme.

The song became an instant hit, and people started singing it everywhere. But soon, they realized that the lyrics were a bit weird. Why was Enrique saying that he liked it when the girl touched him there? Was he talking about his heart or something else? No one knew for sure, but they started making jokes about it. Soon, the song became a meme, and people started using it to make fun of everything.

The Point of View of Baby I Like It Lyric

Now, let's talk about the point of view of the song. If you listen to it carefully, you'll realize that Enrique is not talking about his heart. He's talking about something else entirely. But we won't go into details here. Let's just say that the song is meant to be fun and not taken too seriously.

So, next time you hear Baby I Like It playing on the radio, don't be afraid to sing along. Just remember that it's a silly song meant to make you dance and laugh. And if you're feeling brave, you can even try to come up with your own meme version of the lyrics. Who knows, it might just become the next viral sensation!

Table Information about Baby I Like It Lyric

Keyword Meaning
Baby A term of endearment used to address a loved one
Like To have a fondness or attraction towards something or someone
Deny To refuse to acknowledge or accept something
Try it To experiment with or experience something new
Point of view The perspective from which a story is told

Thanks for Sticking Around

Well, well, well, look who's still here! You've made it to the end of my blog post about the Baby I Like It lyrics. Congratulations, my friend! I hope you've enjoyed reading this article as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

Now, before I bid adieu, let me just say that I have a confession to make. I've been listening to this song on repeat for the past hour while writing this piece. Don't judge me, it's just that catchy! And let's face it, who doesn't love a good Latin-inspired, dance-worthy track?

But let's get back to the topic at hand - those Baby I Like It lyrics. We've dissected them and analyzed them from every angle. We've talked about the meaning behind the words, the catchy chorus, and even the music video. And if you're anything like me, you've probably found yourself humming the tune long after listening to it.

So, what have we learned? For starters, we know that the song is all about living in the moment and enjoying life to the fullest. It's about not taking ourselves too seriously and letting loose. And let's be honest, we could all use a little more of that in our lives!

But what really makes this song stand out are the lyrics themselves. They're playful, they're fun, and they're just a little bit cheeky. Lines like I saw you dancing in a crowded room / You look so happy when I'm with you and You got me losing my mind / My heart beats out of time are sure to put a smile on anyone's face.

And let's not forget the infectious chorus. Baby I like it / The way you move on the floor / Baby I like it / Come and give me some more is the kind of earworm that will have you tapping your feet and singing along in no time.

But perhaps my favorite part of this song is the music video. From the vibrant colors to the choreographed dance moves, it's a feast for the eyes. And let's not forget about the cameo from Cardi B herself - that girl knows how to bring the party!

So, there you have it - my thoughts on the Baby I Like It lyrics. I hope you've found this article both informative and entertaining. And who knows, maybe you'll find yourself listening to the song on repeat like I have been!

Until next time, keep dancing and living your best life. And remember, if all else fails, just put on some good music and let loose!

People Also Ask About Baby I Like It Lyric

What is the meaning behind Baby I Like It lyric?

The song Baby I Like It is all about a guy who has fallen in love with a girl and can't get enough of her. The lyrics describe how he feels when he's around her, how she makes him feel alive, and how he wants to spend every moment with her.

Who wrote Baby I Like It lyrics?

The lyrics of Baby I Like It were written by Enrique Iglesias, along with a team of other talented songwriters, including Pitbull and RedOne.

Is Baby I Like It a romantic song?

Absolutely! Baby I Like It is a love song through and through. It's a perfect tune to dedicate to your significant other if you want to express your feelings of true love and devotion. Or, if you're single, you can still enjoy it and sing along with the catchy lyrics.

What genre is Baby I Like It?

Baby I Like It is a pop song with a Latin influence. It combines elements of dance-pop, reggaeton, and electronic music to create a fun, upbeat track that will have you dancing along in no time.

Is there a music video for Baby I Like It?

Yes, there is a music video for Baby I Like It, which features Enrique Iglesias and Pitbull partying it up in Miami with a group of beautiful women. It's a high-energy visual accompaniment to the already infectious song.

Why do people love Baby I Like It so much?

People love Baby I Like It because it's a feel-good song that makes you want to dance and sing along. The lyrics are catchy, the beat is infectious, and the Latin influence adds a unique flavor that sets it apart from other pop songs. Plus, who doesn't love Enrique Iglesias and Pitbull?

Are there any funny Baby I Like It lyric parodies?

Yes, there are plenty of hilarious parodies of Baby I Like It out there on the internet. From changing the lyrics to be about food or animals to creating silly dance routines to go along with the song, people have found all kinds of creative ways to make this already fun tune even more entertaining.

In conclusion

So, there you have it – everything you need to know (and more) about Baby I Like It lyrics. Whether you're a die-hard fan or just discovering this catchy tune for the first time, we hope you enjoyed learning more about it. And, who knows, maybe you'll even find yourself singing along to the chorus before the day is through!