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Lord Reign In Me Lyric: A Soul-Stirring Worship Anthem for Every Christian

Lord Reign In Me Lyric

Discover the powerful lyrics of Lord Reign In Me - a heartfelt prayer for God's reign in our lives. Let these words uplift and inspire you today!

Have you ever heard a song that makes your spirit come alive and fills you with an unexplainable joy? Well, if you haven't, you're in for a treat! Today, we're going to dive into the lyrics of one of my all-time favorite worship songs - Lord Reign In Me by Brenton Brown. This song has been around for quite some time, but its message is timeless and relevant no matter what season of life you find yourself in. So, grab your headphones, turn up the volume, and let's get started!

First things first, let's talk about the title of the song - Lord Reign In Me. It's a simple phrase, but it holds so much weight. The word reign implies sovereignty, power, and control. So, when we say Lord reign in me, we're essentially asking God to take the driver's seat in our lives and guide us in the direction He wants us to go. It's a bold prayer, but it's one that can have a profound impact on our lives.

Now, let's jump into the first verse of the song:

Over all the earth, You reign on high

Every mountain stream, every sunset sky

But my one request, Lord my only aim

Is that You'd reign in me again

Right off the bat, we're reminded of God's majesty and power. The imagery of mountain streams and sunset skies paints a beautiful picture of God's creation. But then, the focus shifts to the heart of the singer - their one request is for God to reign in them once again. It's a humbling reminder that no matter how great God is, He still desires a personal relationship with each and every one of us.

The chorus is where the song really starts to pick up:

Lord reign in me, reign in Your power

Over all my dreams, in my darkest hour

You are the Lord of all I am

So won't You reign in me again?

These lyrics are so powerful because they acknowledge that God's power is not limited to just the earth and nature - it extends to our dreams and our darkest moments as well. The line You are the Lord of all I am is a bold declaration that we belong to God and He has complete authority over our lives. And then, the plea for God to reign in us once again - it's a reminder that we can't do life on our own, we need His guidance and direction.

The second verse continues with the theme of surrender:

Over every thought, over every word

May my life reflect the beauty of my Lord

'Cause You mean more to me than any earthly thing

So won't You reign in me again?

The idea of God having control over every thought and word is a bit daunting, but it's also incredibly freeing. When we surrender our thoughts and words to God, we allow Him to shape us into the best version of ourselves. And then, the line You mean more to me than any earthly thing is a reminder that our relationship with God should be our top priority.

The bridge of the song brings everything full circle:

Over every thought, over every word

May my life reflect the beauty of my Lord

'Cause You mean more to me than any earthly thing

So won't You reign in me again?

Lord reign in me, reign in Your power

Over all my dreams, in my darkest hour

You are the Lord of all I am

So won't You reign in me again?

The repetition of the second verse and chorus drives home the message that surrendering to God is a continuous process, not a one-time event. And then, the final plea for God to reign in us again - it's a reminder that we need Him every single day.

In conclusion, Lord Reign In Me is a powerful worship song that reminds us of God's sovereignty, power, and love. It's a call to surrender our lives to Him and allow Him to guide us in the direction He wants us to go. So, the next time you're in need of a reminder of who's really in charge, turn on this song and let the lyrics wash over you. You won't regret it!


Have you ever heard of the song “Lord Reign in Me”? If not, then you are missing out on one of the most hilarious songs out there! This song is a classic example of how religious music can be fun and entertaining. In this article, we will explore the lyrics of “Lord Reign in Me” and see how it has become a fan favorite over the years.

The First Verse

The first verse of “Lord Reign in Me” starts off with a bang. It goes like this:

Lord reign in me, reign in Your power Over all my dreams, in my darkest hour You are the Lord of all I am So won't You reign in me again?

This verse sets the tone for the entire song. It talks about how the Lord should take control of everything, including our dreams and our darkest hours. It’s funny to think that the Lord would want to take control of our dreams, but hey, who knows?

The Chorus

The chorus of “Lord Reign in Me” is the most memorable part of the song. It goes like this:

Over every thought, over every word May my life reflect the beauty of my Lord 'Cause You mean more to me than any earthly thing So won't You reign in me again?

This chorus is catchy and fun to sing along to. It talks about how the Lord should have control over every aspect of our lives, including our thoughts and words. It’s funny to think that we need the Lord to control our thoughts, but hey, maybe it’s for the best!

The Second Verse

The second verse of “Lord Reign in Me” continues with the same theme as the first. It goes like this:

Lord reign in me, reign in Your power Over all my dreams, in my darkest hour You are the Lord of all I am So won't You reign in me again?

This verse is a repeat of the first verse, but that’s okay. Sometimes, repeating something can make it more memorable and impactful. Plus, it’s fun to sing along to!

The Bridge

The bridge of “Lord Reign in Me” is a bit different from the rest of the song. It goes like this:

Lord reign in me, reign in Your power Over all my dreams, in my darkest hour You are the Lord of all I am So won't You reign in me again?

Okay, I’m just kidding. The bridge is the same as the first and second verses. But that’s okay because this song is so fun to sing along to that you won’t even notice!

The Third Verse

The third verse of “Lord Reign in Me” is where things start to get interesting. It goes like this:

Lord reign in me, reign in Your power Over every thought, over every hour You are the Lord of all I am So won't You reign in me again?

This verse is a bit different from the first two. It talks about how the Lord should have control over every thought and every hour of our lives. It’s funny to think that the Lord would want to control every hour of our lives, but hey, maybe it’s for the best!

The Fourth Verse

The fourth verse of “Lord Reign in Me” is a repeat of the third. It goes like this:

Lord reign in me, reign in Your power Over every thought, over every hour You are the Lord of all I am So won't You reign in me again?

As I said before, repeating something can make it more memorable and impactful. Plus, this song is so fun to sing along to that you won’t even mind!

The Outro

The outro of “Lord Reign in Me” is a bit different from the rest of the song. It goes like this:

Lord reign in me, reign in Your power Over all my dreams, in my darkest hour You are the Lord of all I am So won't You reign in me again?

Okay, I’m just kidding. The outro is the same as the first, second, third, and fourth verses. But that’s okay because this song is so fun to sing along to that you won’t even notice!


So there you have it, folks! “Lord Reign in Me” is a hilarious song that is fun to sing along to. Its lyrics are filled with humor and wit, and it’s no wonder why it has become a fan favorite over the years. Whether you’re religious or not, you can still appreciate the humor and fun in this song. So go ahead and give it a listen – you won’t be disappointed!

All Hail Lord Reign In Me - The Ultimate Car Karaoke Companion

Who needs Beyoncé when you have Lord Reign In Me? Move over Queen B, there's a new monarch in town. And this ruler doesn't need any fancy costumes or pyrotechnics to dazzle the masses. All Lord Reign In Me needs is a simple guitar and a catchy melody to win over hearts and souls.

I don't always listen to Christian music, but when I do, it's Lord Reign In Me. This song has become my go-to when life gets tough. Whether I'm stuck in traffic or feeling down, Lord Reign In Me is always there to lift me up. It's like having a personal cheerleader in my car, reminding me that everything is going to be alright.

You're the King, But Can You Sing?

Sure, Jesus saves, but Lord Reign In Me really hits all the right notes. Why be a regular ruler when you can be a lyrical one? If only God had a Spotify playlist, this song would definitely make the cut.

I didn't choose the Christian life, the Christian life chose me…and Lord Reign In Me. This song has the power to unite people of all faiths and backgrounds. It's a reminder that we're all in this together and that we all need a little help from time to time.

Lord Reign In Me - The Ultimate Wordsmith Extraordinaire

Move over Shakespeare, Lord Reign In Me is the ultimate wordsmith extraordinaire. This song manages to be both profound and catchy at the same time. Every line is packed with meaning and yet it's still so easy to sing along to.

When life gets tough, just remember - Lord Reign In Me is always there to lift you up. All hail Lord Reign In Me, the ultimate car karaoke companion.

The Hilarious Story of Lord Reign In Me Lyric

Lord Reign In Me: The Song That Changed My Life

It was a typical Sunday morning, and I was getting ready for church. As I was putting on my Sunday best, I heard a new song playing on the radio. It was called Lord Reign In Me. The lyrics were simple yet powerful, and they touched my heart in a way that no other song had before.

From that moment on, I knew that this song was going to change my life. I listened to it over and over again, and each time I did, I felt like the Lord was speaking directly to me. The words were so heartfelt and sincere, and they helped me to realize that I needed to surrender my life to God completely.

The Funny Side of Lord Reign In Me Lyric

Now, as much as I love this song, there is a funny side to it as well. You see, every time I sing the chorus, I can't help but think about a certain scene from a popular movie. You know the one I'm talking about - the scene where the character yells out Reign in me! while standing on top of a mountain.

It's silly, I know, but every time I sing that line, I can't help but imagine myself standing on top of a mountain, arms outstretched, yelling out to the Lord to reign in me. It never fails to make me smile.

Table of Keywords

Keyword Definition
Lord Reign In Me A Christian worship song that expresses surrender and submission to God
Lyrics The words of a song or poem
Hilarious Extremely funny or amusing
Funny Causing laughter or amusement; comical
Surrender To give oneself up to the power or control of another
Submission The act of yielding or surrendering oneself to the will or authority of another

So, there you have it - the hilarious story of Lord Reign In Me lyric. It may seem like a simple song, but it has had a profound impact on my life. And even though I can't help but think of that movie scene every time I sing it, I know that the message behind the song is one of complete surrender and submission to God. And that's something that will never be silly or funny.

Lord Reign in Me Lyric: The Ultimate Anthem for the Faithful

Well, well, well. Looks like you've made it to the end of this blog post about the Lord Reign in Me lyric. Congratulations! You must be a true believer, or at least someone who's curious about the power of faith and spirituality. Either way, I'm glad you stuck around till the end.

Now, let's talk about this anthem. Lord Reign in Me is not just another religious song that you hear in church on Sundays. It's a powerful declaration of faith that can lift your spirit and connect you with something higher than yourself. Whether you're a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew, or a spiritual seeker of any kind, this song can speak to your soul and inspire you to live a better life.

So, what makes Lord Reign in Me so special? Well, for one thing, it's got a catchy melody that will stick in your head for hours. Don't believe me? Listen to it once, and you'll be humming it all day long. But it's not just the melody that's memorable, it's also the lyrics.

The words of this song are simple yet profound. They express a deep longing for God's presence in our lives and a humble surrender to His will. When we sing Over every thought, over every word, may my life reflect the beauty of my Lord, we're asking for divine guidance and grace to live a virtuous life.

But don't worry, this song is not all serious and solemn. There are some fun moments too, like when we sing I'm reaching for the prize, I'm giving everything, I give my life for this, it's what I live for. It's like a motivational speech in a song, urging us to strive for excellence and to never give up on our dreams.

Of course, some people might find this song a bit too cheesy or cliché. They might roll their eyes at lines like Be the fire that's burning bright, in me. But you know what? Sometimes, we need a little bit of cheese in our lives. We need something that's simple, uplifting, and easy to remember. We need a song that can remind us of our faith and our purpose, even when life gets tough.

So, my dear blog visitors, I hope you've enjoyed reading about Lord Reign in Me lyric. I hope you've learned something new, or been reminded of something important. And most of all, I hope you'll give this song a chance. Listen to it with an open heart and a curious mind. Sing it with joy and gratitude. Let it be your anthem of faith, hope, and love.

And if you're still not convinced, well, that's okay too. Maybe this song is not for everyone. Maybe you prefer something more intellectual or edgy or experimental. That's fine. We all have different tastes and preferences. But let me leave you with this thought: no matter what you believe or don't believe, no matter what kind of music you like or dislike, there is something universal and timeless about the human longing for meaning, purpose, and connection. And that's what Lord Reign in Me lyric is all about. It's about finding that connection with something greater than ourselves. It's about realizing that we're not alone in this world, that we're part of a bigger story, that we have a role to play in the grand scheme of things.

So, my friends, may the Lord reign in you today and always. May His love and grace guide you on your journey. And may you never forget that you're a precious child of God, worthy of all the blessings and joys of this life. Amen.

People Also Ask About Lord Reign In Me Lyric

What is the meaning of Lord Reign In Me?

The song Lord Reign In Me is a prayer asking God to take control of our lives and reign over us. It's a reminder that we need God's guidance in everything we do.

Who wrote Lord Reign In Me?

Lord Reign In Me was written by Brenton Brown, a Christian worship leader and songwriter from South Africa. He has also written other popular worship songs like Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing) and Everlasting God.

Why is Lord Reign In Me a popular worship song?

One reason why Lord Reign In Me is a popular worship song is because of its simple yet powerful message. The lyrics are easy to remember and sing along to, making it a great song for congregational worship. Additionally, the melody is catchy and uplifting, which adds to the overall appeal of the song.

What are some other worship songs similar to Lord Reign In Me?

There are many other worship songs with a similar theme to Lord Reign In Me. Some examples include:

  • King of My Heart by Bethel Music
  • I Surrender All by Judson W. Van DeVenter
  • Take My Life (And Let It Be) by Frances Ridley Havergal
  • Surrender by Marc James

Can Lord Reign In Me be used for personal worship?

Absolutely! Lord Reign In Me can be used for both corporate and personal worship. The song's message is applicable to everyone, regardless of their current situation or circumstances. Whether you're looking for guidance, seeking God's will, or simply wanting to surrender your life to Him, Lord Reign In Me is a great song to sing as a prayer.

Is there a particular Bible verse that inspired Lord Reign In Me?

While there isn't a specific Bible verse that inspired Lord Reign In Me, the song's message is rooted in Scripture. One possible reference is Psalm 51:10-12, which says:

Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

In conclusion,

Lord Reign In Me is a popular worship song that reminds us to surrender our lives to God and allow Him to reign over us. Its simple yet powerful message has resonated with countless believers around the world, making it a timeless classic in the world of worship music.