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Unleash Your Dance Moves with Kirk Franklin's Catchy 'Stomp' Lyrics

Kirk Franklin Stomp Lyric

Kirk Franklin's Stomp lyric is a powerful gospel anthem that will have you dancing and praising with every beat. Get ready to feel the spirit!

Are you ready to stomp your feet and clap your hands? Well, get ready to groove to the beat of Kirk Franklin's hit song Stomp! This gospel classic is sure to get you up and moving - and singing along at the top of your lungs. But what makes this song so special? Let's dive into the lyrics and find out!

First of all, let's talk about that opening line: For those of you that think gospel music has gone too far, you think we've gotten too radical with our message? Wait, what? Who said that? I don't know about you, but I'm already intrigued. Franklin wastes no time in challenging his listeners, daring them to question their own preconceptions about gospel music.

As the song ramps up, we're treated to a catchy chorus that's impossible not to dance along to. Stomp, stomp, stomp, clap! It's simple, but it works. And let's be real - who doesn't love a good stomp-and-clap moment?

But it's not just the catchy beat that makes Stomp such a beloved song. Franklin's lyrics are full of joy, energy, and a sense of community. We're gonna celebrate Jesus for what he's done, he sings, He's resurrected, we've overcome. It's hard not to feel uplifted by those words.

One of my favorite parts of the song comes towards the end, when Franklin gives a shoutout to all the different types of people who can come together and enjoy gospel music. All the things we go through, ups and downs, but here's the important part, he says. No matter what, you're gonna make it, yeah! It's a message of hope and resilience that feels especially powerful in today's world.

Of course, it's not just the lyrics that make Stomp such a standout song. The music itself is a masterclass in gospel-infused funk, complete with horns, organ, and plenty of percussion. Franklin and his backing choir know how to build a groove that just won't quit.

And let's not forget about the music video! If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and check it out. It's a riot of color, energy, and dance moves that will have you grinning from ear to ear. Plus, it features cameos from some of gospel music's biggest stars, like Yolanda Adams and Fred Hammond.

All in all, there's a reason why Stomp has become a gospel classic. It's a song that's impossible not to enjoy, full of positivity, community, and a sense of fun. So go ahead - put on your dancing shoes and stomp along!

But before we go, I have to leave you with one final thought: if you're ever feeling down, just remember the words of Kirk Franklin himself: You can't stop my happiness, 'cause I like the way I am. Preach, Kirk. Preach.

The Introduction

Have you ever heard of the song Stomp by Kirk Franklin? If you haven't, then you're missing out on one of the most iconic gospel songs ever written. But if you have, then I'm pretty sure you know how catchy the song is. From its upbeat rhythm to its soulful lyrics, Stomp has become a staple in the world of gospel music. And today, we're going to take a closer look at the lyrics and see just what makes them so special.

The Hook

The first thing that catches your attention in Stomp is the hook. It goes like this: Stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp your feet. Give yourself a break. Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, to the beat. Now, you might be thinking, What kind of gospel song is this? But trust me, it's not your typical hymn. It's an upbeat, energetic song that encourages people to let loose and have fun.

The Meaning Behind the Hook

But there's more to the hook than just its catchy rhythm. The lyrics are actually quite meaningful. Stomp your feet is a metaphor for overcoming obstacles in life. When you stomp your feet, you're making a loud noise, and that noise can be heard by everyone around you. In the same way, when you overcome an obstacle, you're making a statement that can inspire others to do the same.

The Verses

The verses in Stomp are just as important as the hook. They tell a story of struggle and triumph, and they're filled with powerful messages of hope and faith. Let's take a closer look at some of the verses:

We've been through the storm and the rain, but joy comes in the morning light.

This verse is all about perseverance. It acknowledges that life can be tough, but it also reminds us that there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. No matter how hard things get, we can always find joy if we keep pushing forward.

Sometimes you gotta let it go, just let the spirit take control.

This verse is all about surrendering to a higher power. It's a reminder that we don't have to carry our burdens alone. Sometimes, we just need to let go and let God take over.

Don't be afraid to let your light shine bright.

This verse is all about embracing our uniqueness. It's a reminder that each and every one of us has something special to offer the world, and we should never be afraid to share it.

The Bridge

The bridge in Stomp is where things really start to heat up. It's a call to action, and it encourages listeners to get up and start dancing. The lyrics go like this: When the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. So I will bless the Lord at all times, and His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

The Meaning Behind the Bridge

This bridge is all about spiritual warfare. It acknowledges that there are forces out there that are trying to bring us down, but it also reminds us that we have a powerful weapon in our arsenal: praise. When we praise God, we're lifting up a standard against the enemy, and we're declaring that we won't be defeated.

The Conclusion

In conclusion, Stomp by Kirk Franklin is more than just a catchy gospel song. It's a powerful message of hope and faith, and it's a call to action for all who listen. Whether you're going through a tough time or you just need a little pick-me-up, Stomp is sure to lift your spirits and get you dancing. So go ahead and stomp your feet, jump to the beat, and let the spirit take control.Are you ready to stomp? Let's get those dancing shoes on and prepare to groove like never before! With Kirk Franklin's Stomp lyrics, even grandma can get down. Don't let age stop you from getting in on the action - everyone is invited to stomp along. And if your noisy neighbors complain about the sound, just tell them you're training for the next Olympics. Stomping to Kirk Franklin's beats also gives you a fun workout without even realizing it. You'll need maximum energy to keep up with the rhythm, but it's worth it. Plus, kids love it too! Introduce them to the joy of Kirk Franklin's music and watch as they join in on the stomp fest. Stomp isn't just a dance, it's a way to bring people from all walks of life together to move and groove as one. It's also the perfect party starter - put on Stomp and watch as your guests hit the dance floor. You don't need any dance experience to stomp along, just let loose and have fun. And when you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, sometimes the best medicine is simply putting on some good music and stomping your troubles away. So, let's get ready to stomp!

Kirk Franklin's Stomp Lyric

The Story Behind Kirk Franklin's Stomp Lyric

Kirk Franklin is an American gospel musician who has released several successful albums. One of his most popular songs is Stomp, which was released in 1997 and features members of his group, The Family. The song became an instant hit and has since become a staple in the gospel music genre.

The inspiration for Stomp came from Franklin's desire to create a song that would get people up on their feet and dancing. He wanted to create a gospel song that would appeal to a younger audience and bring them closer to God. The lyrics of the song are catchy and upbeat, which makes it easy for listeners to sing along and dance to the rhythm.

The Point of View of Kirk Franklin's Stomp Lyric

The point of view of Kirk Franklin's Stomp Lyric is one of joy, celebration, and praise. The song is meant to inspire listeners to let go of their worries and dance in the freedom that comes with faith. The lyrics encourage people to put their trust in God and let him guide them through life's challenges.

Kirk Franklin's Stomp Lyric is also humorous in tone. The lyrics are playful and lighthearted, which makes it easy for listeners to relate to the message of the song. The use of humor in the song helps to break down barriers and make the gospel message more accessible to a wider audience.

Table Information about Kirk Franklin's Stomp Lyric

  • Title: Kirk Franklin's Stomp Lyric
  • Artist: Kirk Franklin
  • Genre: Gospel
  • Year of Release: 1997
  • Album: God's Property

Kirk Franklin's Stomp Lyric is a testament to the power of gospel music to bring people together in celebration and praise. The song's catchy lyrics and upbeat rhythm have made it a classic in the gospel music genre, and its message of faith and trust in God continues to inspire listeners around the world.

Closing Message: The Stomping Goodness of Kirk Franklin's Lyrics

Well, folks, we've come to the end of our journey through the catchy and uplifting lyrics of Kirk Franklin's hit song, Stomp. It's been a wild ride, full of funky beats, powerful messages, and plenty of opportunities to shake it on the dance floor.

As we wrap up this blog post, I can't help but feel grateful for the chance to explore the depth and complexity behind what might seem like just another catchy pop song. Kirk Franklin's lyrics are so much more than that - they're a call to action, a reminder of our inner strength, and a celebration of the power of community.

So if you're feeling down, or stressed out, or just in need of a little pick-me-up, I encourage you to turn up the volume on Stomp and let yourself be swept away by its infectious energy. Whether you're stomping your feet, clapping your hands, or singing your heart out, there's no denying the power of this song to lift your spirits and get you moving.

And if you're still not convinced that Stomp is the ultimate feel-good anthem, let me leave you with a few final thoughts:

First of all, who doesn't love a good stomp? There's something about the rhythmic pounding of feet on the ground that just feels primal and satisfying. Whether you're stomping out frustration, anger, or just plain joy, it's a physical expression of emotion that we can all relate to.

Secondly, how amazing is it that Kirk Franklin manages to blend gospel, R&B, and hip-hop into one seamless, genre-bending masterpiece? His lyrics speak to people of all ages, races, and backgrounds, and his music has the power to bring us all together in a spirit of joy and unity.

Finally, let's not forget that Stomp is just plain fun. It's the kind of song that makes you want to stand up and dance, no matter where you are or who you're with. Whether you're at a party, in your car, or just jamming out in your living room, there's no denying the pure, unbridled joy of this musical masterpiece.

So there you have it, folks - the stomping goodness of Kirk Franklin's lyrics, wrapped up in a neat little blog post. I hope you've enjoyed reading about this iconic song as much as I've enjoyed writing about it, and I encourage you to keep on stomping, clapping, and singing your heart out, no matter what life throws your way.

Thanks for tuning in, and until next time - keep on stomp, stomp, stomping!

People Also Ask About Kirk Franklin Stomp Lyric

What is the meaning behind the lyrics of Stomp by Kirk Franklin?

The lyrics of Stomp by Kirk Franklin are all about celebrating life, having fun, and praising God. The song encourages listeners to let go of their worries and fears, and just dance and stomp to the beat of the music. It's a reminder that life is too short to be serious all the time, and that we should take time to enjoy ourselves and celebrate every day.

What genre is Stomp by Kirk Franklin?

Stomp by Kirk Franklin is a gospel song with elements of hip-hop and R&B. It was released in 1997 as part of the album God's Property from Kirk Franklin's Nu Nation and quickly became a hit, reaching No. 1 on the Billboard Gospel chart.

What is the message of Stomp by Kirk Franklin?

The message of Stomp by Kirk Franklin is to live life to the fullest and to praise God through music and dance. The song encourages listeners to let go of their inhibitions and to express themselves through movement and rhythm. It's a reminder that we should never take life for granted, and that we should always find joy in the little things.

What does the term stomp mean in the context of the song?

In the context of the song, stomp refers to the act of dancing and moving to the rhythm of the music. It's a call to action for listeners to let loose and have fun on the dance floor, and to use their bodies to express their love for God and for life.

Why is Stomp by Kirk Franklin so popular?

Stomp by Kirk Franklin is popular because it's an upbeat, fun song that combines elements of gospel, hip-hop, and R&B. Its catchy chorus and infectious beat make it a favorite among audiences of all ages, and its message of joy and celebration resonates with listeners around the world.

So, there you have it - everything you need to know about Stomp by Kirk Franklin! As the lyrics say, Now it's time to let your hair down, All God's people gather round, Forget the troubles that's been getting you down, It's time to get just a little bit loud.