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Uncover the Meaning Behind Pantera's Hollow Lyrics for a Mind-Blowing Experience!

Pantera Hollow Lyric

Get lost in the hauntingly beautiful lyrics of Pantera's Hollow. This song will leave you with chills and a newfound appreciation for metal music.

Are you ready to rock? I mean, really rock? Then you need to check out Pantera's Hollow. This song is an absolute masterpiece, and the lyrics are a big part of what makes it so incredible. From the very first line, you'll be hooked, and you won't be able to stop yourself from singing along.

First of all, let's talk about the opening line. What's left inside him? That's deep, man. It's like, whoa, what's going on in this guy's head? You know it's going to be good when a song opens with a question like that. But then, just when you're starting to get serious, Pantera hits you with Don't he remember anything?

That's when you know this song is going to be something special. Pantera isn't just going to give you some boring old lyrics. They're going to make you think, make you feel, and make you laugh. Because let's be real, there's some funny stuff in here too.

For example, when they say He's just wishing, to be someone else, you can almost hear the eye roll in their voice. Like, come on dude, get it together. You can't just wish yourself into being someone else. But at the same time, you can't help but feel a little bit sorry for the guy. We've all been there, right?

And then there's the chorus. Nothing's left for him. It's like they're saying, this guy is so screwed up, there's no hope for him. But then they follow it up with Ain't it a shame? And suddenly you're laughing again. Because yeah, it is a shame, but it's also kind of hilarious.

But it's not all fun and games. There's some serious stuff in here too. When they say Living through each moment, but this moment's slipping away, you start to feel a little bit existential. It's like, dang, life really is short, isn't it? And then they hit you with In these last hours, I'm with you.

And suddenly you're feeling all the feels. You might even shed a tear. But then they bring you back with My hearts pumps as tides embrace, mornings wish to lay down beside me. It's like they're saying, yeah life is short and we're all going to die, but isn't it beautiful too?

And that's what makes Hollow such an amazing song. It's funny, it's deep, it's sad, it's beautiful. It's everything all at once. So if you haven't heard it yet, do yourself a favor and give it a listen. And if you have heard it, well, go listen to it again. You won't regret it.

The Introduction

Pantera was an American heavy metal band, formed in 1981 by brothers Dimebag Darrell and Vinnie Paul Abbott. Their music was known for its aggressive, powerful sound and lyrics that were often angry and confrontational. One of their most popular songs was Hollow, which was released in 1992 as part of their album Vulgar Display of Power. The song's lyrics are haunting and emotional, and they have resonated with fans for decades.

What is Hollow About?

At its core, Hollow is a song about loss and grief. The lyrics describe the pain of losing someone you love, and the feeling of emptiness that follows. The chorus sums up the sentiment perfectly: What's left inside him? / Don't he remember us? / Can't he believe me? / We seem lost and hopelessly blind.

The Opening Lines

The song starts out with a slow, mournful guitar riff that sets the tone for the rest of the song. The first lines of the song are: What's left inside him? / Don't he remember us? These lines are a reflection of the confusion and disbelief that often accompanies grief. When we lose someone we love, it can be hard to understand how they could just be gone, and it can feel like a part of ourselves has been lost as well.

The Chorus

The chorus of Hollow is one of the most powerful parts of the song. It repeats the lines What's left inside him? / Don't he remember us? / Can't he believe me? / We seem lost and hopelessly blind. These lines capture the feeling of loss and isolation that the speaker is experiencing. They are reaching out to someone who is no longer there, and they feel as though they are shouting into a void.

The Bridge

The bridge of Hollow is a departure from the rest of the song. It features a faster, more aggressive guitar riff and a vocal performance that is more intense than the rest of the song. The lyrics of the bridge are a plea for the person who has been lost to come back: Can you feel the love? / Can you feel the love that's dying? It's a desperate cry for help, and it highlights the raw emotion that is present throughout the song.

The Outro

The outro of Hollow is a slow, mournful guitar solo that brings the song to a close. It's a fitting end to a song that is so full of pain and grief. The solo is a musical representation of the emotions that have been expressed in the lyrics, and it's a powerful way to end the song.

Why is Hollow So Popular?

Hollow has resonated with fans for decades because it speaks to a universal human experience: the pain of loss and grief. Almost everyone has experienced the loss of someone they love, and Hollow captures the raw emotion that comes with that experience. The song's lyrics are haunting and emotional, and they have touched the hearts of countless people.

The Legacy of Hollow

Even though Hollow was released almost thirty years ago, its legacy lives on. The song continues to be popular with fans of heavy metal, and it's regarded as one of Pantera's best songs. Its haunting melody and emotional lyrics have made it a staple of rock radio stations, and it's likely to continue to be played for generations to come.


In conclusion, Hollow is a powerful song that speaks to the universal human experience of loss and grief. Its haunting melody and emotional lyrics have made it a classic of the heavy metal genre, and its legacy continues to live on decades after its release. If you haven't heard it before, take the time to give it a listen and experience the raw emotion that it captures so well.

Pantera Hollow: Where's the Party At?

If you're looking for a good time, look no further than Pantera Hollow's lyrics. These guys know how to bring the party wherever they go, whether it's tearing up the town or causing chaos backstage. Their lyrics are all about living life to the fullest and having a blast along the way.

I'm Not Afraid of Anything

When Pantera Hollow's lead singer belts out this line, you can't help but feel his confidence. He's not afraid of anything, whether it's facing down his enemies or taking the stage in front of thousands of screaming fans. His swagger is infectious, and it's clear that he's a force to be reckoned with.

Life is Crazy

Sometimes it feels like life is spinning out of control, but Pantera Hollow is here to remind us that we're not alone. Their lyrics are full of tales of madness and mayhem, but somehow they manage to make it all seem like one big party. No matter what life throws their way, they're ready to face it head-on and keep the good times rolling.

Don't Stop the Music

When the music starts pumping, there's no stopping Pantera Hollow. Their lyrics are always urging you to keep the party going and never stop rockin' out. Whether you're in the club, at a concert, or just jamming out in your car, these guys want you to crank up the volume and let loose.

Love and Heartbreak

Even the hardest rockers have a softer side, and Pantera Hollow is no exception. Many of their songs touch on themes of love and heartbreak, showing that they have a deep emotional side beneath all that party energy. Whether they're singing about falling in love or nursing a broken heart, their lyrics are always full of raw emotion.

Never Give Up

Through all the ups and downs of rock stardom, Pantera Hollow never gives up. Their lyrics are full of messages of perseverance and determination, urging listeners to keep chasing their dreams no matter what. No matter how many setbacks they face, these guys are always ready to pick themselves up and keep pushing forward.

Let the Good Times Roll

Life is short, and Pantera Hollow wants you to make the most of it. Their upbeat lyrics are all about living in the moment and having fun, no matter what the future holds. Whether you're partying with friends or just enjoying some alone time, these guys want you to let the good times roll.

Rock and Roll is My Life

For Pantera Hollow, music is everything. Their lyrics celebrate the power and joy of rock and roll, and their dedication to the art form is evident in every note they play. Whether they're on stage or in the studio, these guys live and breathe rock and roll.

Wild and Free

Pantera Hollow's lyrics are all about freedom and wild abandon. They urge listeners to let loose and live life on their own terms, whether it's through music, partying, or just following your heart. These guys believe in breaking free from the constraints of society and living your best life.

We are Family

Through all the wild and crazy times, Pantera Hollow sticks together like a family. Their lyrics speak of the bonds of friendship and the importance of loyalty, showing that true rock and roll is all about the people you share it with. Whether they're on stage or off, these guys are always there for each other.

The Adventures of Pantera Hollow Lyric

Chapter 1: The Beginnings of Pantera Hollow Lyric

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, lived a wild and mischievous panther named Pantera Hollow Lyric. He was known for his playful antics and his love for adventure. Pantera Hollow Lyric loved to explore new places and meet new animals along the way.

One day, he stumbled upon a group of monkeys who were having a party in the forest. They welcomed him with open arms and invited him to join in the festivities. Pantera Hollow Lyric couldn't resist the temptation and soon found himself dancing and having a good time with the monkeys.


  • Pantera Hollow Lyric
  • Panther
  • Adventure
  • Exploration
  • Monkeys
  • Party

Chapter 2: The Prankster

Pantera Hollow Lyric was not just an adventurer; he was also a notorious prankster. He loved to play tricks on his animal friends, especially the ones who took themselves too seriously.

One day, he decided to play a prank on his friend, the wise old owl. He snuck up behind the owl and let out a loud roar. The owl was so frightened that he flew straight into a tree branch and knocked himself out.

Pantera Hollow Lyric felt a little guilty for scaring his friend, but he couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the dazed owl lying on the ground.


  1. Prankster
  2. Tricks
  3. Animal friends
  4. Owl
  5. Frightened
  6. Guilt

Chapter 3: The Hero

Despite his mischievous ways, Pantera Hollow Lyric had a heart of gold. He was always willing to help out his animal friends whenever they needed him.

One day, he received a distress call from a family of rabbits who were being chased by a pack of wolves. Without hesitation, Pantera Hollow Lyric sprang into action. He chased the wolves away and escorted the rabbits to safety.

The rabbits were grateful to Pantera Hollow Lyric for saving their lives. They threw him a big party and declared him a hero in their eyes.


  • Hero
  • Helpful
  • Distress call
  • Rabbits
  • Wolves
  • Grateful

And so, Pantera Hollow Lyric continued to have many adventures and make new friends along the way. He may have been a wild and mischievous panther, but he also had a heart of gold and a willingness to help those in need. Who knows what adventures await him next?

So, What Have We Learned from Pantera Hollow Lyric?

Hello, dear blog visitors! We’ve reached the end of this journey and it’s time to give our final thoughts on the topic of Pantera Hollow Lyric. But before that, let's have a moment of silence for Dimebag Darrell, one of the most iconic guitarists in the history of metal.

Now, let's talk about Pantera Hollow Lyric, shall we? First and foremost, we've learned that the song is a masterpiece that showcases the band's exceptional talent and creativity. From the opening riff to the closing solo, there's never a dull moment in this track.

The lyrics, on the other hand, are quite cryptic, and it's hard to discern their meaning. However, that doesn't stop us from enjoying the song and singing along to it at the top of our lungs.

Now, let's talk about the music video. It's safe to say that it's as bizarre as the lyrics themselves. What's up with the creepy carnival and the clown with a chainsaw? We might never know, but one thing's for sure – it's entertaining as hell.

Speaking of entertainment, have you ever tried air-guitaring to this song? It's quite the workout, and you'll probably end up with sore arms the next day. But hey, it's worth it for the sheer joy of pretending to be Dimebag.

If you're a fan of heavy metal, you probably already know that Pantera is one of the greatest bands of all time. But if you're new to the genre, Hollow is an excellent introduction to their music. It's a perfect blend of aggression, melody, and technicality that will leave you wanting more.

And let's not forget about Phil Anselmo's vocals. Love them or hate them, they are undoubtedly unique and add to the overall feel of the song. Plus, who doesn't love screaming REVENGE! I'M SCREAMING REVENGE! at the top of their lungs?

Lastly, we've learned that Pantera Hollow Lyric is a timeless classic that will never go out of style. It's a song that has stood the test of time and will continue to be a fan favorite for generations to come.

So, dear blog visitors, it's time to bid you farewell. We hope you've enjoyed our journey through Pantera Hollow Lyric and that you'll continue to listen to this masterpiece for years to come. Remember, we are eternal, all this pain is an illusion.

Until next time, keep on headbanging!

People Also Ask About Pantera's Hollow Lyric

What is the meaning behind Hollow by Pantera?

The lyrics of Hollow are open to interpretation, but many believe it's about feeling empty and disconnected from the world. It could also be seen as a commentary on society's obsession with material possessions and the superficial.

Is Hollow by Pantera a sad song?

Well, it's definitely not a happy-go-lucky tune. The heavy guitar riffs and intense vocals give off a sense of anger and frustration. But sadness is subjective, so if it makes you feel blue, then sure, it can be a sad song.

What inspired Pantera to write Hollow?

Only the band members themselves truly know what inspired them to write Hollow. However, given the time period in which the song was released (1992), it's possible that the lyrics were influenced by the grunge movement and its themes of disillusionment with society.

What genre is Hollow by Pantera?

Pantera is often categorized as a groove metal band, and Hollow certainly fits within that genre. The song features heavy, distorted guitar riffs and pounding drums that are typical of the genre.

Why do people love Hollow by Pantera?

There are countless reasons why people love Hollow. For some, it's the raw emotion conveyed through the lyrics and music. For others, it's the intense guitar solos or the way the song builds to an explosive climax. And for some, it's simply the fact that it's a killer metal song that gets the blood pumping.

Can Hollow by Pantera be considered a classic?

Absolutely. Hollow is widely regarded as one of Pantera's best songs, and it has stood the test of time as a classic in the metal genre. Its intense energy and powerful lyrics continue to resonate with fans today, over two decades after its release.

  • The lyrics of Hollow are open to interpretation
  • The heavy guitar riffs and intense vocals give off a sense of anger and frustration
  • Pantera is often categorized as a groove metal band, and Hollow certainly fits within that genre
  • Hollow is widely regarded as one of Pantera's best songs, and it has stood the test of time as a classic in the metal genre
  1. The meaning behind Hollow by Pantera is about feeling empty and disconnected from the world
  2. It's definitely not a happy-go-lucky tune
  3. Hollow could be seen as a commentary on society's obsession with material possessions and the superficial
  4. Hollow is a killer metal song that gets the blood pumping