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Discover the Inspiring and Uplifting Lyrics of Angels To Fly - A Thought-Provoking Song about Hope and Perseverance

Angels To Fly Lyric

Experience the ethereal beauty of Angels To Fly lyrics and let your spirit soar with the uplifting melody. Discover the magic today!

Angels to Fly is a song that has captured the hearts of millions. Its poetic lyrics, combined with its soulful melody, have made it one of the most beloved songs of all time. At the heart of this beautiful song are the words that speak of hope, love, and the power of the human spirit. As we delve deeper into the lyrics of Angels to Fly, we discover a world of meaning and emotion that will leave you breathless.

Firstly, let's take a look at the opening lines of the song, Sunlight comes creeping in, illuminates our skin, we watch the day go by, stories of what we did. These words transport us to a world of lazy afternoons, spent basking in the sun and watching the world go by. The use of the word creeping gives a sense of the slow, languid pace of life that we all crave sometimes. The way the lyrics describe the sunlight illuminating our skin is simply magical, and it's impossible not to feel a sense of peace and serenity when listening to these words.

The next few lines of the song add an element of humor to the mix, I'm hoping that the days ahead won't be as bitter as the ones behind me, be an optimist instead, and somehow happiness will find me. This transition from the peaceful opening lines to the more upbeat and humorous tone of the next few lines is seamless and perfectly executed. The use of the word bitter is a clever play on words, as bitterness is often associated with taste, but in this context, it refers to the negative experiences we all go through in life.

As the song progresses, we are introduced to the idea of angels, We don't want to go home, we're bad people and we do bad things. The use of the word angels in this context is interesting, as it implies that even those who do bad things are capable of redemption. The lyrics suggest that we all have a little bit of darkness inside us, but there is always hope for salvation.

One of the most powerful lines in the song is, This could be heaven or this could be hell. This line perfectly encapsulates the idea that life is full of contradictions and uncertainties. It suggests that even when things seem perfect, there is always the possibility that everything could fall apart at any moment.

The chorus of the song is where the true magic lies, If you jump, you might fall, but if you don't jump, you'll never know. These words speak to the very essence of the human spirit - the need to take risks and push ourselves out of our comfort zones. The use of the word might suggests that failure is a possibility, but it's better to try and fail than to never try at all.

As the song draws to a close, we are left with the hauntingly beautiful words, I've got scars, even though they can't always be seen, and pain gets hard, but now you're here and I don't feel a thing. These words are a poignant reminder that we all have scars, both physical and emotional, but with the right person by our side, anything is possible.

In conclusion, Angels to Fly is a song that speaks to the very heart of what it means to be human. Its lyrics are both beautiful and thought-provoking, and its melody is simply unforgettable. Whether you're feeling down and in need of a pick-me-up, or you simply want to bask in the beauty of poetic language, this song is sure to leave you feeling inspired and uplifted.


Angels To Fly is a popular song by British singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran. The song is about a girl who is struggling with drug addiction and the singer's desire to help her. However, the lyrics of the song are anything but serious. In fact, they are downright humorous, which is what we will be exploring in this article.

Verse 1: White lips, pale face...

The first verse of the song starts with the line White lips, pale face... which sounds like the beginning of a horror movie. However, the next line is Breathing in snowflakes which completely changes the tone of the song. It's hard not to picture someone standing outside on a cold winter day, taking deep breaths and trying to catch snowflakes on their tongue.

Chorus: And they say she's in the Class A Team...

The chorus of the song is catchy and upbeat, but the lyrics are far from it. The Class A Team refers to a group of people who are addicted to drugs, specifically heroin. But instead of being a sad song about addiction, the chorus is almost celebratory, with lines like We're not just rich kids with nothing to do.

Verse 2: Stuck in her daydream...

The second verse of the song starts off with the line Stuck in her daydream. This is a relatable feeling for most people, but the next line is what really makes it funny: Been this way since eighteen. It's hard not to laugh at the thought of someone being stuck in a daydream for that long.

Bridge: An angel will die...

The bridge of the song is where things take a more serious turn. The line An angel will die is a reference to someone overdosing on drugs. However, the line that follows it is covered in white which makes it sound like the angel died peacefully in their sleep, rather than from a drug overdose.

Chorus: The worst things in life come free to us...

The chorus of the song repeats, but it's worth mentioning again because of the line The worst things in life come free to us. It's a funny line because it's so true. The things that are bad for us, like drugs and alcohol, are often the things that are easiest to obtain.

Verse 3: She don't want to go outside tonight...

The third verse of the song starts with the line She don't want to go outside tonight which is relatable to anyone who has ever had a night in. But the next line is what really makes it funny: And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland. It's hard not to laugh at the thought of someone smoking a pipe and suddenly flying to another country.

Chorus: It's too cold outside for angels to fly...

The chorus repeats again, but this time with the line It's too cold outside for angels to fly. This is a funny line because it's such a ridiculous excuse for not wanting to leave the house. It's almost like saying I can't go outside today, I'm an angel.

Outro: Angels to fly

The song ends with the repetition of the phrase Angels to fly. It's a beautiful line and a great way to end the song, but it's also worth noting that it sounds like the title of a cheesy romance novel.


In conclusion, Angels To Fly is a great example of how a serious topic can be turned into something humorous through creative lyrics. The song is both catchy and funny, making it a favorite among Ed Sheeran fans. So the next time you listen to it, try not to laugh at the thought of someone flying to the Motherland in a pipe.

Have you ever heard the song Angels To Fly? If you're like me, you've probably belted out the chorus confusion of I'm an angel to fly at least once. But let's be real, what does that even mean? Do angels need permission to fly now? Are they getting TSA precheck? Speaking of flying, do you ever wonder if angels ever get tired of it? I mean, sure it's probably exhilarating at first, but after a couple of centuries, it's got to get old. Plus, imagine the winged struggle and back pain from those giant wings! As if the wings weren't enough, angels are always depicted wearing robes and halos. Do they get to pick out their own heavenly fashion or is there some sort of dress code? And have you ever noticed how almost every song about angels involves them singing? But like, do angels actually sing? And if they do, what type of music do they prefer? Is there a choir in heaven? Okay, so we've established that angels have wings, robes, and halos. But what about those adorable little cherubs? Are they just tiny angels or do they have their own set of angelic skills? And speaking of skills, do you think that angels have family trees? Like, who are their parents? Is there an angel version of There are different types of angels like Seraphim and Archangels, but what's the hierarchy like? Who's in charge? Is there an angelic CEO? And while we're on the topic of celestial beings, what about other creatures like sprites and fairies? Do they all hang out in the same club? Now, let's talk logistics. How do angels get from place to place? Do they fly or do they teleport? Is there an angelic Uber? And lastly, we all know that angels are going to play a big part in the end of the world, but can we at least get a little heads up? Maybe a group text or something? Hey guys, Judgement Day is happening in 24 hours. Make sure you're wearing your halos. In conclusion, while Angels To Fly may leave us with more questions than answers, let's appreciate the humor and confusion it brings. Who knows, maybe one day we'll get some concrete answers about the angelic world. Until then, let's just enjoy the fluffy fluffballs and divine dress-up.

Angels To Fly Lyric

The Story of Angels To Fly Lyric

Once upon a time, there was a song called Angels To Fly that captured the hearts of millions of listeners all over the world. The song was written by the talented British singer and songwriter, Ed Sheeran. It talks about a girl who falls victim to drug addiction and loses everything she has. The lyrics are touching and powerful, making it one of the most emotional songs of all time.The song was released in 2011 as part of Ed Sheeran's debut album + (Plus). It quickly became a hit and reached the top of the charts in many countries. The song's success can be attributed to its beautiful melody, heartfelt lyrics, and Ed Sheeran's soulful voice.

The Point of View About Angels To Fly Lyric

The lyrics of Angels To Fly are both heartbreaking and inspiring. They tell the story of a girl who has hit rock bottom but finds the strength to pick herself up and keep going. The song's message is clear: no matter how low you may feel, there is always hope for a better future.But let's be honest, some of the lyrics are a bit ridiculous. For example, We should just give up, dyes our hair blonde, and try to disappear. Really, Ed? Is that your solution to life's problems? And what's with the line, We'll get a bus to the ocean, and I'll win us free? What does that even mean?Despite these silly moments, Angels To Fly remains a beautiful song that has touched the hearts of many. Its message of hope and resilience is one that we all need to hear from time to time.

Keywords Table

Keyword Definition
Angels To Fly A song written by Ed Sheeran about a girl who falls victim to drug addiction but finds the strength to keep going.
Ed Sheeran A British singer and songwriter known for his soulful voice and heartfelt lyrics.
Drug Addiction A condition where a person becomes dependent on drugs and is unable to function without them.
Hope A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
Resilience The ability to recover quickly from difficulties.

No Title Needed: A Humorous Goodbye to Angels To Fly Lyric Visitors

Well, folks, we've reached the end of our journey together. It's been a wild ride, hasn't it? From dissecting the lyrics to Angels To Fly to exploring the deeper meaning behind the song, we've covered it all. But before you click away and go about your day, I wanted to leave you with one final message.

First things first: if you haven't already listened to Angels To Fly, what are you waiting for? Seriously, it's a great song. Go listen to it right now. I'll wait.

Okay, welcome back. Wasn't that amazing? I know, I know, I'm biased. But I truly believe that this song has the power to lift you up and make you feel like you can conquer anything. And isn't that what we all need right now?

But enough about the song itself. Let's talk about what we've learned from it. For starters, we've learned that sometimes the most uplifting messages can come from unexpected places. Who would've thought that a song about falling angels could be so inspiring?

We've also learned that it's okay to be vulnerable. In fact, it's necessary. The line I jump off, and I fly is a reminder that sometimes we need to take a leap of faith and trust that we'll be caught. It's scary, but it's also exhilarating.

And let's not forget about the importance of community. The chorus of the song is all about coming together and lifting each other up. We all need a little help sometimes, and there's no shame in asking for it.

So, where do we go from here? Well, my hope is that you'll take what you've learned from Angels To Fly and apply it to your daily life. When you're feeling down, remember that you can rise above it. When someone else is struggling, be the one to lift them up. And when you need a little extra support, don't be afraid to ask for it.

Before I go, I want to thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Whether you stumbled upon it accidentally or sought it out specifically, I appreciate you. And if you ever need a little pick-me-up, just remember: you have angels to fly.

Until next time,

Your friendly neighborhood blogger

People Also Ask About Angels To Fly Lyric

What are the lyrics to Angels To Fly by Ed Sheeran?

The lyrics to Angels To Fly by Ed Sheeran are:

  1. White lips, pale face, breathing in snowflakes
  2. Burnt lungs, sour taste, light's gone, day's end
  3. Struggling to pay rent, long nights, strange men
  4. And they say she's in the Class A Team, stuck in her daydream
  5. Been this way since eighteen, but lately, her face seems
  6. Slowly sinking, wasting, crumbling like pastries
  7. And they scream the worst things in life come free to us
  8. 'Cause we're just under the upper hand and go mad for a couple grams
  9. And she don't want to go outside tonight
  10. And in a pipe, she flies to the Motherland or sells love to another man
  11. It's too cold outside for angels to fly
  12. An angel will die covered in white
  13. Closed eye and hoping for a better life
  14. This time, we'll fade out tonight, straight down the line

What is the meaning behind Angels To Fly lyric?

Well, it's quite simple actually. It's about a girl who is struggling with drug addiction and prostitution. The song tells the story of her difficult life, where she is slowly wasting away. The angels mentioned in the song are actually the drugs that she uses to escape her reality. The line It's too cold outside for angels to fly means that it's too difficult for her to continue living this way and she needs help.

Why is Angels To Fly so popular?

Perhaps it's because of Ed Sheeran's unique voice and the beautiful melody, but mostly because the song deals with a serious issue that many people can relate to. Sadly, drug addiction and prostitution are real problems in our society and this song sheds light on them.

So, what should we do when we hear Angels To Fly?

We should sing along, of course! But also, we should remember that there are people out there who are struggling and need our help. Let's be kind and understanding towards those who are going through a tough time and offer them support. And let's also appreciate the fact that we have a roof over our heads and food to eat. Life may not always be easy, but it's important to be grateful for what we have.