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Finding Comfort in Lyrics: Someone to Watch Over Me - A Timeless Classic

Lyric Someone To Watch Over Me

Discover the timeless classic Someone to Watch Over Me with its heartwarming lyrics and captivating melody.

Are you tired of feeling like there's nobody out there watching over you? Well, fear not my dear reader, because today we're going to talk about the timeless classic Someone to Watch Over Me. This charming tune is a testament to the power of love and the comfort that comes with knowing someone is looking out for you. But enough with the sappy stuff, let's dive into why this song is so darn catchy.

First off, let's talk about the melody. It's simple yet elegant, with just the right amount of variation to keep things interesting. From the opening notes, you can tell this song means business. It's got a certain charm to it that makes you want to sway along, even if you're not much of a dancer. Plus, the way the piano and saxophone work together is simply divine.

But what really sets this song apart are the lyrics. They're witty, heartfelt, and just a little bit cheeky. Lines like Won't you tell me, please, to put on some speed / Follow my lead, oh, how I need / Someone to watch over me perfectly capture that feeling of longing we've all experienced at some point in our lives. And let's not forget about the clever wordplay in lines like Although he may not be the man some / Girls think of as handsome / To my heart he carries the key.

Of course, the real magic of this song is in the way it makes you feel. It's the kind of tune you want to listen to when you're feeling down in the dumps, or when you're on top of the world and just want to celebrate life. There's something undeniably uplifting about the message of this song - that no matter how lonely we feel, there's always someone out there who cares for us.

And let's not forget about the countless covers and adaptations this song has inspired. From Ella Fitzgerald to Frank Sinatra, everyone who's anyone has taken a crack at Someone to Watch Over Me. It's been featured in movies, TV shows, and even video games. That's right, even pixelated characters need someone to watch over them!

But perhaps the most impressive thing about this song is its timelessness. Despite being written all the way back in 1926, it still resonates with listeners today. That's because the message of love and companionship is universal and timeless. It doesn't matter if you're listening to this song on a record player or streaming it on your phone - the sentiment remains the same.

So if you're feeling a little lost or lonely, take a page out of George Gershwin's book and find someone to watch over you. And if all else fails, just put on this song and let it work its magic. Trust me, it never gets old.

In conclusion, Someone to Watch Over Me is more than just a song - it's a reminder that we're never truly alone in this world. Whether it's a significant other, a family member, or even just a good friend, there's always someone out there who cares for us. So next time you're feeling like nobody's got your back, just remember the wise words of George Gershwin: I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood / I know I could always be good / To one who'll watch over me.

The Perfect Song for Stalkers: A Humorous Review of “Someone to Watch Over Me”

Introduction: Falling in Love with a Stalker

We all have our dream lover, that person who would do anything for us, even if it means stalking us 24/7. If you haven't found yours yet, fear not! George and Ira Gershwin have given us the perfect song to sing to our future stalkers or serenade our current ones. Someone to Watch Over Me is a classic ballad that captures the essence of creepy love.

Verse 1: The First Encounter

The song starts with the stalker's first encounter with their prey. They describe themselves as lonely and lost, but as soon as they see their target, they know that they have found someone to obsess over. They admit that they don't even know the name of the person they're stalking, but hey, details aren't important when you have love, right?

Chorus: The Promise of Protection

The chorus is where the stalker reveals their true intentions. They promise to watch over their target, to keep them safe from harm, and to be their guardian angel. It's like a twisted fairytale, where the prince charming is actually a psycho who wants to control every aspect of your life.

Verse 2: The Stalking Continues

In the second verse, the stalker admits that they have been following their target around, watching their every move. They even know the color of their eyes, which is either impressive or downright creepy, depending on how you look at it. But it's all okay because the stalker is doing it out of love, right?

Bridge: The Confession of Love

The bridge is where the stalker confesses their love. They admit that they can't help but feel this way, that they are powerless against their obsession. It's like they're saying, I'm sorry I'm a stalker, but I can't help it. I love you so much it hurts.

Chorus: More Promises of Protection

The chorus repeats, with the stalker promising to be there for their target no matter what. They even offer to be a light in the darkness, which is ironic since they're the reason their target is in the dark in the first place.

Verse 3: The Stalker's Dream

In the final verse, the stalker shares their dream. They imagine a world where they and their target can be together, where they can protect and love each other forever. It's a lovely sentiment, except for the fact that it's based on an unhealthy obsession.

Conclusion: The Perfect Song for Creepy Love

Someone to Watch Over Me may seem like a romantic song at first, but upon closer inspection, it's actually a love letter from a stalker. It's the perfect song for those who want to express their creepy love to someone without them realizing it. So go ahead, sing it to your crush, your ex, or that person you've been following for months. Who knows, maybe they'll fall in love with you too...or call the cops.

Stalker alert: Someone to Watch Over Me

Now, here's a song that should come with a warning label. If you're already dealing with a creepy stalker, you might want to skip this one. But if you're the type of person who thinks being followed around is kinda sweet, then this tune is right up your alley.

Creepy but kinda sweet: Someone to Watch Over Me

Let's be real, the lyrics of Someone to Watch Over Me are straight-up stalker material. The singer talks about watching their love interest's every move, day and night. It's not exactly the kind of thing you want to hear from someone who's trying to win your heart.

But there's something about the melody that makes it all sound so romantic. Maybe it's the slow, dreamy pace of the music. Or maybe it's the way the singer pours their heart out in every note. Either way, it's hard not to be charmed by this love-obsessed tune.

Please don't come knocking at my door: Someone to Watch Over Me

Of course, there's a fine line between being sweet and being downright creepy. And Someone to Watch Over Me definitely crosses that line a few times. Lines like I'd like to add his initial to my monogram and I'm just a little lamb who's lost in the wood are enough to make anyone feel uneasy.

If you're on the receiving end of this kind of attention, you might want to invest in a good set of locks for your doors and windows. Because once someone starts singing this song outside your house, it's hard to get them to stop.

Oh great, another person added to my restraining order: Someone to Watch Over Me

Let's face it, Someone to Watch Over Me isn't exactly the kind of song that's going to win you any legal battles. If you're already dealing with a restraining order, this is probably not the time to start singing about your undying love for someone.

But if you're the type of person who's willing to take a few risks for love, then go ahead and sing your heart out. Just be prepared for the consequences.

Don't worry, just your average love-obsessed lyric: Someone to Watch Over Me

If you're looking for a song to sing outside your crush's window, this is it. The romantic melody and heartfelt lyrics are sure to win anyone over (as long as they don't call the police).

But let's be real, Someone to Watch Over Me is not your average love song. It's more like a love-obsessed anthem that ignores all boundaries and personal space. So if you're planning on using this song as a way to express your feelings, just make sure you're not crossing any lines.

My lawyer advised me not to listen to this song anymore: Someone to Watch Over Me

If you're already in legal trouble for stalking someone, it's probably best to stay away from this song altogether. It's only going to make things worse.

But if you're just a hopeless romantic who's looking for a way to express their feelings, then go ahead and give Someone to Watch Over Me a listen. Just don't take it too far.

When you care so much, you are willing to hire a private investigator: Someone to Watch Over Me

Let's face it, we've all been there. You care so much about someone that you're willing to do anything to make sure they're safe and happy. Even if that means hiring a private investigator to keep an eye on them.

Of course, that's not exactly the kind of thing you want to admit in public. But Someone to Watch Over Me does a pretty good job of capturing that feeling of intense love and devotion.

A romantic melody about boundaries... or lack thereof: Someone to Watch Over Me

At the end of the day, Someone to Watch Over Me is a beautiful melody about the lengths we'll go to for love. It's a song that speaks to our deepest desires and fears.

But it's also a song that reminds us of the importance of boundaries. Love is a powerful emotion, but it can also be dangerous if we don't respect each other's personal space and privacy.

So go ahead and sing Someone to Watch Over Me at the top of your lungs. Just make sure you're doing it for the right reasons.

Someone To Watch Over Me

A Humorous Tale

Once upon a time, in a small town called Harmony, there lived a young woman named Sally. Sally was a terrible sleeper and would often spend her nights tossing and turning, unable to find peace. One night, as she lay awake, she heard a beautiful melody coming from outside her window. She got up to investigate and found a handsome man playing the saxophone under the moonlight.

Sally was immediately smitten and asked the man to come inside. The man introduced himself as George and told Sally that he was a musician who had just moved to town. They spent the night talking and laughing until the sun came up. From that night on, George would play his saxophone outside Sally's window every night, lulling her to sleep with his beautiful music.


  • Sally
  • Harmony
  • Sleepless Nights
  • Saxophone
  • George
  • Musician

Sally was grateful to have found someone who could help her sleep, but she soon realized that George had become more than just a musician to her. She found herself falling in love with him. One day, she mustered up the courage to tell him how she felt, but George didn't feel the same way. Sally was devastated, but George promised that he would always be there for her, even if it was just to watch over her while she slept.

Sally continued to listen to George's music every night, but it wasn't the same anymore. She longed for something more. One night, she decided to write a song for George as a way to express her feelings. She sang the song to him the next day, and to her surprise, he loved it. They started playing music together and ended up forming a band that became the talk of the town.

Sally and George became inseparable, and their love for each other grew stronger with every passing day. They continued to play music together, and George never stopped watching over Sally as she slept. They lived happily ever after, surrounded by the sweet melodies of their love.

Moral of the story:

  1. Sometimes, the things we need the most come in unexpected packages.
  2. Music has a way of bringing people together.
  3. Love can be found in the most unlikely places.

The End of Our Musical Journey

Well, folks, it looks like we've come to the end of our musical journey exploring the lyrics of Someone to Watch Over Me. But before we say our goodbyes, let's take a moment to reflect on all the fun we've had and the things we've learned along the way.

First and foremost, we've discovered that George and Ira Gershwin were absolute geniuses when it came to writing music. Their ability to weave together melody and lyrics into something truly magical is nothing short of extraordinary.

We've also learned that the song Someone to Watch Over Me has stood the test of time, remaining popular and relevant even after all these years. That just goes to show you that great music will always have a place in our hearts.

But perhaps the most important lesson we've learned is that everyone needs someone to watch over them from time to time. Whether it's a friend, a family member, or a significant other, having someone to lean on can make all the difference in the world.

Of course, we can't forget all the laughs we've shared along the way. From silly puns to inside jokes, we've had a blast exploring the humorous side of this classic tune.

So, as we bid farewell to our exploration of Someone to Watch Over Me, let's remember all the joy and laughter we've shared and carry that with us into whatever musical journey comes next.

Thank you for joining me on this adventure, and I hope to see you again soon! Until then, keep singing and dancing to the beat of your own drum.

People Also Ask About Lyric Someone To Watch Over Me

What is the meaning behind the song Someone To Watch Over Me?

The song Someone To Watch Over Me is about a person who feels vulnerable and alone, and is seeking comfort in having someone to protect and watch over them.

Who wrote Someone To Watch Over Me?

The song was written by George Gershwin with lyrics by his brother Ira Gershwin.

What genre does Someone To Watch Over Me belong to?

The song is considered a jazz standard and has been performed by many jazz artists over the years.

Has Someone To Watch Over Me been covered by any famous artists?

Yes, the song has been covered by many famous artists including Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, and Amy Winehouse.

Is Someone To Watch Over Me a romantic song?

While the song does have romantic undertones, it can also be interpreted as a plea for protection and support from anyone who is feeling vulnerable.

Can Someone To Watch Over Me be used for a wedding?

Yes, the song is often used as a first dance at weddings, as it has a romantic and sentimental feel that is perfect for the occasion.

Is Someone To Watch Over Me a sad song?

While the song does touch on feelings of loneliness and vulnerability, it ultimately has a hopeful and uplifting message about finding comfort in the presence of someone who cares for you.

What is the tempo of Someone To Watch Over Me?

The song has a slow and melancholy tempo that perfectly captures the emotions expressed in the lyrics.

Can Someone To Watch Over Me be played on the piano?

Yes, the song is often played on the piano and has been arranged for solo piano by many composers.

Is Someone To Watch Over Me a good song to sing as a beginner?

The song has a relatively simple melody and can be a good choice for beginners who are looking to practice their vocal skills.

So there you have it, folks! All your burning questions about Someone To Watch Over Me answered in one place. Now go forth and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge of this classic jazz standard!