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Unlock the Soul-Stirring Magic of 'Angel of the Morning' Lyrics!

Lyric Angel Of The Morning

Lyric Angel Of The Morning is a beautiful and soulful song that captures the essence of love and longing. It's a timeless classic that will touch your heart.

When it comes to iconic songs that have stood the test of time, Angel of the Morning by Juice Newton is undoubtedly a standout. With its catchy melody and heartfelt lyrics, this song has captured the hearts of millions since its release in 1981. But beyond its musicality, what makes this song truly special is its ability to encapsulate the bittersweet emotions of love, heartbreak, and longing. So sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and let's take a journey through the enchanting world of Angel of the Morning.

Now, picture this: you wake up in the morning, the sun's rays gently caressing your face as you stretch your arms and yawn. The birds are chirping outside your window, and you can't help but smile as you think about the day ahead. Suddenly, the lyrics There'll be no strings to bind your hands, not if my love can't bind your heart start playing in your head, and you can't help but chuckle. Yes, folks, this is the power of Angel of the Morning – it has the ability to turn even the most mundane moments into something magical.

As the song continues, you find yourself nodding along to the beat, tapping your foot against the floor. The playful tone of Juice Newton's voice combined with the clever use of transition words like but, however, and yet keep you hooked, eagerly awaiting the next line. It's almost as if the song is telling a story, drawing you in with its witty charm and relatable lyrics.

But don't let the humorous tone fool you – beneath the surface, Angel of the Morning touches on some deep and universal emotions. The lyrics speak of a forbidden love, one that is both exhilarating and heartbreaking at the same time. It's a rollercoaster of emotions, and as you listen, you can't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the protagonist, caught in the throes of an impossible love affair.

And just when you think you've deciphered the true meaning behind the lyrics, the song surprises you with a twist. The line Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby hits you like a wave, reminding you that sometimes, even the most fleeting moments of connection can leave a lasting impact. It's a poignant reminder to cherish every interaction, no matter how brief or insignificant it may seem.

As the song draws to a close, you find yourself humming along, a smile playing on your lips. Angel of the Morning has taken you on a journey – through love, heartbreak, and everything in between. It's a song that captures the essence of human emotions in all their messy, unpredictable glory. So the next time you find yourself in need of a musical pick-me-up, look no further than Angel of the Morning – a timeless classic that will never fail to put a spring in your step and a smile on your face.


Have you ever found yourself waking up in the morning and feeling like an angel? Well, that's exactly the sentiment captured in the iconic song Angel of the Morning. With its catchy melody and playful lyrics, this tune has become an anthem for those who embrace their inner celestial being, even before their first cup of coffee. So, let's dive into the humorous world of this angelic morning melody.

The Seductive Serenade

In the first verse, our delightful lyricist paints a picture of a mysterious figure, the angel herself, slowly waking up and spreading her celestial charm. With lines like Just touch my cheek before you leave me, it's hard not to imagine this angel as a smooth-talking Casanova or Casanovette, effortlessly seducing anyone who crosses her path. Move over, Cupid!

When the Alarm Clock Strikes

We've all experienced the dread of waking up to the sound of our alarm clocks, abruptly interrupting our dreams and forcing us back into reality. In the second verse, the songwriter humorously captures this universal struggle by comparing it to the morning's wings brutally tearing our angel away from her unearthly slumber. Who knew an alarm clock could be so heartless?

Waking Up with Bedhead

Let's face it: most of us don't wake up looking like flawless angels. Our hair is often a chaotic mess, resembling more of a bird's nest than a heavenly crown. The lyricist embraces this morning reality by describing the darkness in the angel's hair, giving a humorous nod to the struggles of taming our unruly morning manes. Perhaps there's hope for us yet!

Battling the Morning Breath

Even angels aren't immune to the perils of morning breath. In a lighthearted twist, the songwriter humorously mentions that the angel's kiss might taste a little bit salty, reminding us all that freshening up in the morning is an essential step before sharing any affectionate encounters. Minty fresh kisses are the key to heavenly bliss.

Pre-Coffee Rituals

Before the angel can fully embrace her celestial duties, she indulges in her own morning rituals. From running mascara to coffee brewing, the song captures the relatable chaos of getting ready for the day. It's comforting to know that even angels need a caffeine boost to kickstart their heavenly endeavors.

An Angelic Playlist

The chorus of Angel of the Morning has become synonymous with angelic morning melodies. The catchy tune and empowering lyrics make it the perfect anthem to sing while getting ready to conquer the day. So next time you're brushing your teeth or struggling to put on your socks, don't forget to serenade yourself with this heavenly hit.

The Universal Appeal

One of the reasons why Angel of the Morning has become such a beloved song is its universal appeal. Whether you're a morning person or not, an angel or a mere mortal, the humorous lyrics and infectious melody resonate with people from all walks of life. After all, who doesn't want to start their day feeling like a celestial being?

A Legacy of Angelic Mornings

Since its release in 1968, Angel of the Morning has become a timeless classic. It has been covered by countless artists, each putting their unique spin on the song. From Juice Newton's country-infused rendition to Shaggy's reggae twist, this angelic melody continues to inspire new generations to embrace their inner morning celestial being.

The Morning Buzz

As we reach the end of our whimsical journey through the lyrics of Angel of the Morning, it's important to remember that while mornings may not always be easy, we can find solace in the fact that even angels face the same struggles. So, the next time you wake up feeling less than heavenly, just put on this song, embrace your inner angel, and let the morning buzz carry you through the day.


With its playful lyrics and infectious melody, Angel of the Morning has become an anthem for those who want to start their day on a whimsical note. It reminds us to find humor in the chaos of mornings, embrace our flaws, and channel our inner celestial being. So go ahead, wake up, spread your wings, and let your inner angel shine!

Rise and Shine, It's Angel Time!

Embrace the day with this lyrical angel who will surely make your mornings a whole lot brighter (and funnier)! Whether you're an early riser or someone who hits the snooze button like it's your job, this angel understands your struggle. She's here to motivate you or join you in your quest for those extra few minutes of precious sleep!

Angel or Snooze Button Connoisseur?

Coffee Lovers Unite, Angel Approves! Need your morning caffeine fix? Well, this angel might just be your spirit animal! She's always ready to spread her wings and join you at your local coffee shop for a delicious cup of joe. Forget about those annoying alarm clocks that make you want to smash them against the wall. This angel will wake you up with a heavenly chorus of funny noises and hilarious wake-up calls that will leave you giggling and ready to face the day!

Alarm Clocks, Beware!

Looking for some fashion advice on what to wear today? Look no further! This angel has a keen eye for style and will not hesitate to offer her humorous commentary on your outfit choices. Just be prepared for some laughs and maybe a few fashion emergencies!

Fashion Police Alert: Angel Edition!

This angel is not your average goody-two-shoes. She's here to inject some fun and mischief into your morning routine. With her witty remarks and playful antics, you'll discover a new side to mornings that you never thought possible!

Angels Just Wanna Have Fun!

Feeling a little down or lacking motivation? Give this angel a call, and she'll be there faster than you can say cheer me up! From hilarious jokes to uplifting pep talks, she'll have you smiling in no time.

Need a Pick-Me-Up? Call Angel on Speed Dial!

Say goodbye to groggy morning shuffles and hello to an energizing dance party! The angel of the morning is here to get your body moving with her infectious dance moves and mixtapes that will have you boogieing all the way to work.

Spread Your Wings and Dance!

If you've ever had a crummy morning, you'll relate to this hilarious showdown between the angel of the morning and the grumpy grouch. From sarcastic retorts to epic prank battles, this is one rivalry that will leave you laughing out loud.

Angel vs. Morning Grouch: Battle of the Century!

Whether you believe in angels or not, this angelic creature will leave you feeling happier, lighter, and ready to conquer the day. So, why not add a sprinkle of humor and whimsy to your morning routine with the one and only Lyric Angel of the Morning?

The Hilarious Tale of Lyric, the Angel of the Morning


Once upon a time, in the celestial realm of angels, there was a peculiar and mischievous angel named Lyric. While most angels were known for their heavenly voices and divine grace, Lyric had a knack for causing laughter and chaos wherever he went. This is the humorous account of Lyric's adventures as the Angel of the Morning.


Lyric belonged to the elite group of angels responsible for spreading joy and positivity during the morning hours. While his fellow angels would gently wake up humans with sweet melodies and soothing whispers, Lyric had a different approach that often left everyone in stitches.

The Morning Routine

Every day at the crack of dawn, Lyric would fly down to Earth to fulfill his duty as the Angel of the Morning. Armed with a feathered alarm clock and a mischievous grin, he would visit various households to wake up the slumbering inhabitants.

  1. First, Lyric would start by tickling the noses of sleeping children with a soft feather, causing them to burst into giggles and wake up with smiles on their faces.
  2. Next, he would move on to adults, who were often harder to rouse. To make things interesting, Lyric would whisper silly jokes in their ears, causing them to wake up laughing or at least with a bemused expression.
  3. For those who were particularly deep sleepers, Lyric had a secret weapon – a trumpet that emitted a loud, comical sound that could wake up anyone within a five-mile radius. The startled reactions of the groggy individuals never ceased to amuse him.

The Prankster Angel

Lyric's mischievous nature didn't stop at waking people up. He would often play pranks on unsuspecting humans, leaving them bewildered and laughing at the absurdity of their morning routines.

  • One day, Lyric decided to switch all the toothpaste in a household with whipped cream. Imagine the surprise on everyone's faces when they eagerly squeezed out toothpaste onto their toothbrushes, only to be met with a mouthful of sweetness!
  • On another occasion, Lyric replaced the milk in a family's refrigerator with orange juice. The expressions of confusion and disgust as they poured it into their cereal bowls would have made even the grumpiest of souls crack a smile.

The Legacy of Laughter

Lyric's hilarious antics soon became the stuff of legends amongst both angels and humans. His unique approach to spreading joy in the morning brought smiles to countless faces and lightened the hearts of many.

With his legacy firmly established, Lyric became an inspiration for other angels who wanted to bring laughter into the world. His story reminds us that humor and laughter are powerful tools that can brighten even the dullest of mornings.


And so, the tale of Lyric, the Angel of the Morning, continues to be shared among the celestial beings. His mischievous spirit lives on, reminding us to find joy in the simple things and to start each day with a hearty laugh.

Keywords Description
Lyric The mischievous angel who serves as the Angel of the Morning
Angel of the Morning The designation given to Lyric, responsible for spreading joy in the morning
Hilarious The tone and voice used to narrate the story, emphasizing humor and amusement
Mischievous Lyric's nature of causing playful trouble and pranks
Joy and Laughter The primary emotions associated with Lyric's actions and legacy

Thank You for Joining the Morning Madness with the Hilarious Lyric Angel!

Well, well, well, my dear blog visitors, it's time to wrap up our morning madness journey with the one and only Lyric Angel. I hope you've enjoyed this rollercoaster ride through the delightful and sometimes downright bizarre world of Angel of the Morning. But before we bid adieu, let's take a moment to reflect on the hilarity that ensued throughout this article.

From the very first paragraph, where we discovered that the song was originally written for a melodramatic breakfast cereal commercial, to the mind-boggling fact that it took over two decades for this tune to become a hit, we've been laughing our pants off. And who can forget that unforgettable transition into the world of cheesy movie soundtracks, where this song found its true calling?

But let's not forget the absolute gem of a lyric that has kept us all chuckling: Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby. Oh, the sheer absurdity of it all! I mean, who needs a goodbye kiss when you can have a gentle caress of the cheek? It's as if the songwriter was trying to evoke the most comical breakup scene ever filmed.

And speaking of comical, let's not overlook the fact that our beloved Lyric Angel managed to seduce countless people with lines like Need you to warm me in the morning light. Move aside, coffee, we've got a new morning ritual in town! Who knew that all it takes to start your day right is a steamy encounter with an angel?

Now, if you're still with me, dear readers, let's delve into the utterly perplexing story of how Angel of the Morning became the unofficial anthem of every woman who's ever had questionable taste in men. It's like the song whispered in their ears, Go ahead, girl, fall for that charming yet unreliable guy with a motorcycle and a heart full of broken promises. Oh, the power of music!

But let's not forget the angelic voice of Merrilee Rush, who gave life to this ridiculous masterpiece. Her soaring vocals took us to heights we never knew existed, and her delivery made even the most ludicrous lines sound like poetry. Hats off to you, Merrilee, for bringing us all together in laughter and song.

And now, my dear blog visitors, it's time to bid you farewell. I hope you've had as much fun reading this article as I had writing it. Remember, when life gets tough, and you need a good laugh, just turn to our Lyric Angel and let her absurdity wash over you like morning sunshine.

Until we meet again, keep smiling, keep laughing, and never forget to touch your loved one's cheek before saying goodbye. Farewell, my friends, and may the hilarity of Angel of the Morning stay with you always!

People Also Ask about Lyric Angel of the Morning

What is the meaning of the song Angel of the Morning?

Oh, dear inquirer, brace yourself for this epic tale of love and heartbreak! Angel of the Morning is a timeless anthem that tells the story of a lost soul who finds solace in the arms of a loving angel at the break of dawn. It's a poetic masterpiece that captures the raw emotions of longing, desire, and the hope for a fresh start. So, grab your tissues and get ready to be swept away by its bittersweet symphony!

Who originally sang Angel of the Morning?

Ah, the original angelic voice behind this divine melody was none other than Merrilee Rush. She blessed the world with her enchanting rendition of Angel of the Morning back in 1968, leaving audiences spellbound with her ethereal vocals. Since then, this heavenly tune has been covered by numerous artists, each adding their unique touch to its celestial beauty.

Is Angel of the Morning a sad song?

Well, my friend, that depends on how you interpret it. If you're feeling blue and in need of a good cry, this song might just be the perfect companion. Its heartfelt lyrics and soul-stirring melody can tug at your heartstrings and evoke a sense of melancholy. However, some may find solace and inspiration in its message of finding hope and new beginnings. So, whether it's a tearjerker or an uplifting anthem, Angel of the Morning will always leave its mark on your emotional compass.

Can I use Angel of the Morning as my alarm clock ringtone?

Absolutely! What better way to start your day than being serenaded by the angelic strains of Angel of the Morning? Just imagine waking up to its gentle melodies, feeling like you're being caressed by the wings of an actual angel. However, be warned, my friend – once you associate this song with waking up, you might never be able to listen to it in any other context without being jolted out of bed!

Is it necessary to wear wings while listening to Angel of the Morning?

Oh, my whimsical friend, while wearing wings is not a mandatory accessory for enjoying this heavenly tune, it can certainly enhance the experience! Picture yourself donning a pair of fluffy, feathered wings, swaying to the rhythm, and embracing the ethereal atmosphere. Who knows, you might even start floating a little higher off the ground with each passing note. So, go ahead, spread those imaginary wings and let yourself soar on the angelic vibes of Angel of the Morning!