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Pink Floyd's 'Sorrow' Lyrics: The Profound Melancholic Reflections Fueling an Iconic Rock Anthem

Pink Floyd Sorrow Lyric

The lyric of Pink Floyd's Sorrow explores themes of loss, despair, and the search for meaning in a hauntingly beautiful and introspective manner.

Oh, the beauty of Pink Floyd's lyrics! They never fail to transport us to another dimension, where the boundaries of reality blur and the mind is set free. Today, we delve into one of their most hauntingly mesmerizing songs - Sorrow. This masterpiece from their 1987 album A Momentary Lapse of Reason is a lyrical journey that will leave you questioning the very fabric of existence. So grab your headphones, buckle up, and get ready for a musical adventure like no other!

As the song begins, a melancholic guitar riff slowly creeps in, setting the tone for what lies ahead. The moment those first notes hit your eardrums, you'll find yourself instantly transported to a world where time stands still and emotions run wild. It's as if Pink Floyd has crafted a portal to the deepest recesses of our souls, and they're inviting us to explore every nook and cranny.

But it's not just the music that captivates; it's the lyrics that truly take Sorrow to another level. With poetic finesse, they paint vivid images in our minds and evoke a range of emotions that few songs can match. The words flow like a river, carrying us along with their current, leaving us both breathless and yearning for more.

One of the most striking aspects of this song is its ability to encapsulate the human experience. From the opening line, The sweet smell of a great sorrow lies over the land, we are immediately drawn into a world of introspection and contemplation. We find ourselves pondering the nature of sorrow itself - its origins, its effects, and its inevitable presence in our lives.

Transitioning seamlessly between verses, Pink Floyd takes us on a rollercoaster ride through the depths of our emotions. With lines like The love that loves to love the love that loves to hate, they playfully toy with our hearts, reminding us of the complexities and contradictions that make us human. It's an exploration of the dualities that reside within us all, presented in a way that only Pink Floyd can.

But amidst the profound musings and introspection, Pink Floyd never fails to inject a touch of humor into their lyrics. In lines such as You were caught in the crossfire of childhood and stardom, blown on the steel breeze, they paint a picture so vivid and absurd that it's hard not to crack a smile. It's a reminder that even in our darkest moments, a dash of levity can be found.

Throughout Sorrow, Pink Floyd weaves a tapestry of sound and words that is both thought-provoking and mesmerizing. With each passing verse, they peel back the layers of our consciousness, exposing our deepest fears, desires, and vulnerabilities. It's a lyrical journey that demands our attention, leaving an indelible mark on our souls long after the final note fades away.

So, dear reader, if you're ready to embark on a voyage of self-discovery and musical bliss, turn up the volume, close your eyes, and let Pink Floyd guide you through the labyrinth that is Sorrow. Brace yourself for an experience that will challenge your perceptions, touch your heart, and leave you longing for more.


When it comes to iconic rock bands, Pink Floyd undoubtedly takes a spot on the top of the list. Known for their unique sound and thought-provoking lyrics, one of their standout tracks is Sorrow. In this article, we will dive deep into the meaning behind the lyrics of this song while exploring its subtle humor that often goes unnoticed.

The Opening Lines: A Cry for Attention

The very first lines of Sorrow set the stage for the emotional rollercoaster that is about to take place. As David Gilmour's haunting voice sings, The sweet smell of a great sorrow lies over the land, you can't help but wonder if he's referring to burnt toast or perhaps his favorite shirt being ruined in the wash. But fear not, dear reader, the sorrow that follows is much more profound and relatable than a bad laundry day.

Lost in the Lyrics: The Enigmatic Quest

As the song progresses, the lyrics take us on a journey through the labyrinth of human emotions. Lines such as I'm always in this twilight, in the shadow of your heart leave us pondering the mysteries of life, like why it takes so long for our pizza delivery to arrive. But let's not get sidetracked; there's more to unravel in these lyrics than just our hunger pangs.

Existential Crisis and the Lost Remote

In true Pink Floyd fashion, Sorrow delves into existential themes that leave us questioning our very existence. The lyrics paint a picture of someone lost and detached from the world around them, much like the feeling we experience when we can't find the TV remote. It's as if Pink Floyd knew the struggle of searching for that little device amidst the couch cushions while contemplating the purpose of life.

The Bridge: A Moment of Clarity

Amidst the confusion and existential pondering, there comes a moment in the song where clarity shines through. The lyrics The endless river flows on, but I'm lost inside this frozen world encapsulate the feeling of being stuck in our own minds, unable to navigate the vastness of the universe or even figure out how to change the channel on the TV. But fear not, for Pink Floyd has a solution for us all.

The Guitar Solo: A Cathartic Release

As the song reaches its peak, David Gilmour treats us to a mesmerizing guitar solo that can only be described as a cathartic release. It's as if the strings are speaking to our souls, reminding us that sometimes the best way to overcome sorrow is to let it out through the power of rock 'n' roll. So go ahead, grab your air guitar, and join in on the healing process.

Coming to Terms with Sorrow: Acceptance and Laughter

The final verses of Sorrow bring a sense of acceptance and understanding. As Gilmour sings, You were always so lost in the fog of your mind, we realize that we're not alone in our struggles. We all have moments when we feel like we've misplaced our mental GPS and ended up in an entirely different dimension. But instead of despairing, let's find solace in the fact that even Pink Floyd understands the humor in these situations.

The Song's Legacy: A Reminder to Laugh Through Sorrow

Years after its release, Sorrow continues to resonate with fans around the world. Its timeless message reminds us that even in our darkest moments, there is room for humor and laughter. So the next time life throws a curveball your way, remember the lyrics of Pink Floyd's Sorrow and find solace in the fact that you're not alone. And who knows, maybe a little laughter is all we need to conquer our sorrows and navigate this crazy journey called life.

In Conclusion

Pink Floyd's Sorrow is more than just a song; it's a reflection of the human experience. Through its enigmatic lyrics and subtle humor, it reminds us to find laughter even in our darkest moments. So the next time you find yourself lost in the fog of your mind, remember the wisdom of Pink Floyd and embrace the healing power of a good laugh.

Wallowing in Witty Wordplay: Pink Floyd's Sorrow Lyrics Unveiled!

Pink Floyd, the iconic British rock band known for their psychedelic soundscapes and introspective lyrics, has a knack for striking a chord with listeners. Their song Sorrow is no exception, with its haunting melody and thought-provoking words. However, what many may not realize is that buried beneath the layers of melancholy lies a treasure trove of comedic gold.

The Sobbing Symphony: Unraveling the Quirky Charm of Pink Floyd's Sorrow

At first glance, Sorrow may seem like a somber ballad about heartbreak and loss. But take a closer look, and you'll discover the subtle nuances of humor weaved within the lyrics. It's as if Pink Floyd decided to play a prank on their listeners, disguising their wit behind a facade of sorrow.

A Masterpiece of Melancholy: Pink Floyd's Sorrow Lyrics Examined with a Twinkle in our Eye

Let's dive into the lyrical depths of Sorrow and uncover the hidden chuckles that await. The opening lines set the stage, The sweet smell of a great sorrow / Lies over the land. Ah, yes, nothing like the aroma of sadness to brighten up your day! Pink Floyd takes a playful approach by juxtaposing the concept of sweetness with sorrow, leaving us with a bittersweet taste.

They continue to tickle our funny bone by singing, You were always sure of yourself / Now I see you've broken a feather. Oh, the tragedy of a broken feather! We can't help but giggle at the absurdity of it all. Who knew that a feather could hold such significance in the grand scheme of heartache?

Shedding Tears of Laughter: Why Pink Floyd's Sorrow Lyrics are Secretly Hilarious!

The chorus of Sorrow is where Pink Floyd truly showcases their comedic prowess. Don't leave me now / Don't say it's the end of the road, they croon. It's almost as if they're pleading with their audience not to abandon them in this tragicomic journey. But hey, who needs a road when you can have a rollercoaster of emotions instead?

And just when you think the laughter has subsided, Pink Floyd hits us with another gem: Wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream. Now, that's quite the visual! We can't help but picture a parade of madcap superheroes joyfully prancing through the realm of dreams. Who needs sanity when you have a cheerful army of avengers?

Sorrow, or Comedy Gold? Discovering the Hidden Humor in Pink Floyd's Lyrics

As we delve further into Sorrow, we encounter lines that continue to tickle our funny bone. The love you left behind is only a memory / A haunting melody. Pink Floyd manages to turn heartbreak into a catchy tune, reminding us that even in our darkest moments, there's always room for a musical interlude.

They also explore the concept of time, singing, The hours crack like cold hands / Time falls away in my hands. Ah, yes, the never-ending struggle of trying to grasp onto time slipping through our fingers. We can't help but chuckle at the absurdity of trying to catch hold of something so elusive.

From Tears to Giggles: The Unexpected Humor Hidden in Pink Floyd's Sorrow Lyrics

Pink Floyd's ability to seamlessly blend sorrow and humor is evident in the bridge of Sorrow. They sing, You gotta wake up, you gotta wake up, you gotta wake up / From your dreams. Here they are, gently nudging us awake from our emotional slumber, reminding us that life is too short to wallow in sadness.

And just when we think they've reached the pinnacle of their comedic genius, they hit us with one final punchline: The sweet smell of a great sorrow lies over the land / Plumes of smoke rise and merge into the leaden sky. Plumes of smoke? Leaden sky? It's like Pink Floyd took a stroll through a gothic poetry class and decided to have some fun with it.

Unveiling the Jokes Beneath the Surface: Pink Floyd's Sorrow Lyrics as a Stand-up Routine!

In essence, Pink Floyd's Sorrow is not just a song about despair; it's a stand-up routine cleverly disguised as a melancholic melody. With their witty wordplay and humorous undertones, they invite us to find solace in laughter amidst the gloom. It's a reminder that even in our darkest moments, a little mirth can go a long way.

A Laughing Matter of Sorrow: Finding the Comedy within Pink Floyd's Melancholic Lyrics

So, the next time you find yourself immersed in the haunting soundscape of Sorrow, remember to listen closely for the hidden jokes. Pink Floyd's lyrics are a testament to their ability to find humor in the most unexpected places. Their clever wordplay and tongue-in-cheek approach remind us that life's sorrows can often be transformed into moments of joy.

Unlocking the Chuckles: The Lighthearted Side of Pink Floyd's Sorrow Lyrics

It's time to unlock the chuckles hidden within Pink Floyd's Sorrow lyrics. So, grab your sense of humor, put on your favorite Pink Floyd album, and indulge in the comical nuances of their melancholic masterpiece. You'll find yourself shedding tears of laughter while simultaneously embracing the profound beauty of their music.

Melancholy Meets Mirth: Examining the Comical Nuances of Pink Floyd's Sorrow Lyric

As we bid adieu to Pink Floyd's Sorrow, let us not forget the laughter it has bestowed upon us. Their ability to infuse humor into their heart-wrenching lyrics is a testament to their brilliance as artists. So, let us cherish the whimsical wordplay and quirky charm of Pink Floyd's Sorrow and embark on a journey where melancholy meets mirth.

Pink Floyd's Sorrow Lyric: A Humorous Take

A Tale of Sorrow and Laughter

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of music, there lived a legendary band called Pink Floyd. They were known for their mesmerizing melodies, thought-provoking lyrics, and a touch of eccentricity that made them stand out from the crowd. One of their most iconic songs was Sorrow, a soul-stirring masterpiece that blended melancholy with a hint of hope.

The Enigmatic Lyrics

The mesmerizing lyrics of Sorrow take us on an emotional rollercoaster, beautifully capturing the essence of despair and longing. Let's dive into some of the keywords that make this song so captivating:

  • Regrets: The haunting vocals of Pink Floyd lead singer, David Gilmour, echo the pain of past mistakes and missed opportunities. We've all been there, haven't we?
  • Sinking: Like a ship lost at sea, the lyrics depict a feeling of helplessness and being trapped in the depths of sorrow. It's as if the band is saying, Hey, life can be tough, but let's find solace in our shared misery!
  • Lost: The song reminds us that feeling lost is an inevitable part of the human condition. But hey, why not get lost together and make it a party?
  • Cold: The use of this keyword adds a chilling touch to the lyrics, emphasizing the depths of despair. But don't worry, we'll warm things up soon!
  • Laughter: Ah, the twist in the tale! Just when you think all hope is lost, Pink Floyd injects a ray of light with the keyword laughter. It's like they're saying, Hey, life might be tough, but let's have a good laugh about it!

A Humorous Interpretation

Now, let's put on our humorous glasses and look at Sorrow from a different perspective. Imagine Pink Floyd as mischievous wizards of music, casting spells of laughter amidst the gloomy atmosphere. They know that life can be a bit absurd, so why not embrace the humor hidden within our sorrows?

  1. In a world full of regrets, let's laugh about that time we accidentally wore mismatched socks to an important meeting.
  2. When you feel like sinking, remember that time you belly-flopped into a pool while trying to impress someone. Classic!
  3. Feeling lost? Join the club! We'll have a treasure hunt with a map that leads nowhere, just for kicks.
  4. Yes, life can be cold, but who needs a cozy fireplace when you can warm your spirit with laughter?
  5. So, my friends, let's raise a glass and toast to the beautiful absurdity of life. Let's find solace in laughter, even when sorrow knocks on our door.

In conclusion, Pink Floyd's Sorrow lyric takes us on a journey through the depths of despair and sprinkles it with a dose of humor. It reminds us that even in our darkest moments, laughter can be the light that guides us. So, next time you find yourself singing along to Sorrow, don't forget to chuckle and embrace the beauty of life's contradictions.

So Long and Thanks for all the Sorrow!

Well, my dear blog visitors, it seems we have come to the end of our journey through the mesmerizing world of Pink Floyd's Sorrow lyrics. It has been quite the adventure, hasn't it? From the haunting melodies to the thought-provoking words, this song has touched our souls in ways we never imagined. But fear not, for as we bid farewell, I promise to leave you with a closing message that will surely bring a smile to your face.

Before we delve into the humor, let's take a moment to appreciate the sheer brilliance of Pink Floyd's songwriting. The way they effortlessly combine poetic imagery with profound themes is truly remarkable. It's no wonder that Sorrow has become an anthem for those seeking solace in times of despair. So, hats off to the band for gifting us with such a timeless masterpiece!

Now, let's get down to business and inject some much-needed humor into our parting words. After all, life is too short to be serious all the time, right?

As we reflect on the lyrics of Sorrow, one cannot help but wonder if Pink Floyd was secretly moonlighting as fortune tellers. I mean, how else could they have predicted the struggles we would face in the digital age? Lines like The sweet smell of a great sorrow lies over the land perfectly capture the essence of scrolling through social media and witnessing the chaos of the world.

But fear not, dear readers, for Pink Floyd also provides us with a solution to our sorrows. According to their lyrics, all we need to do is remember to breathe. Yes, you heard it right. The secret to overcoming sorrow is simply inhaling and exhaling. So, the next time life gets you down, just take a deep breath and pretend you're a dragon. It works wonders, I assure you!

Now, I must confess, dear readers, that I have a bone to pick with Pink Floyd. How dare they make sorrow sound so darn beautiful! I mean, who needs happiness when we have lyrics like The love of a thousand guns and The sweet taste of love's bitter remains? It's like they took all our pain and turned it into poetry.

But fret not, my friends, for Pink Floyd has also taught us an important lesson – the power of music to heal our souls. So, the next time you find yourself drowning in sorrow, just put on some Pink Floyd and let their enchanting melodies work their magic. Trust me, you'll be feeling like a rock star in no time!

As we bring this blog to a close, I want to thank each and every one of you for joining me on this lyrical journey. Your support and enthusiasm have made this experience truly memorable. Remember, even in the darkest of times, music has the ability to bring light and laughter into our lives. So, keep rocking and rolling, my friends, and never forget the power of Pink Floyd!

Until we meet again, stay groovy and may your sorrows always be accompanied by the sweet sounds of Pink Floyd!

With love and laughter,

Your fellow Pink Floyd enthusiast

People Also Ask about Pink Floyd Sorrow Lyric

1. What is the meaning behind Pink Floyd's song Sorrow?

Well, my friend, the meaning behind Sorrow is a deep philosophical exploration of the existential anguish that engulfs us all. Or maybe it's just about feeling sad and wallowing in self-pity because your favorite TV show got canceled. Who knows? It's Pink Floyd, after all!

2. Are Pink Floyd's lyrics meant to be taken literally?

Oh, absolutely! Every single word in a Pink Floyd song is a carefully encrypted message from another dimension, only understandable to those who have mastered the art of intergalactic communication. Just kidding! Pink Floyd's lyrics are open to interpretation, so feel free to make them mean whatever you want.

3. Is Sorrow a good song to listen to when you're feeling down?

Well, it depends on your definition of feeling down. If by that you mean you want to indulge in some serious emotional catharsis while contemplating the vastness of the universe and your own insignificance, then yes, it's the perfect song for you. Otherwise, you might want to consider something a bit more uplifting.

4. Does Sorrow have any hidden messages or secret codes?

Absolutely! In fact, if you play the song backward at exactly 3:33 am while standing on one leg and holding a rubber chicken, you'll unlock the secrets of the universe. Or, you know, you could just enjoy the song for what it is – a beautifully crafted piece of music.

5. Can you explain the intricate symbolism in the lyrics of Sorrow?

Of course, I can! But first, let me put on my tweed jacket, grab my magnifying glass, and consult my trusty book on deciphering ancient hieroglyphics. Just kidding again! While Pink Floyd's lyrics often contain symbolism, sometimes it's best to let the words wash over you and create your own personal meaning.

In conclusion:

  • Pink Floyd's lyrics are open to interpretation, so feel free to find your own meaning in Sorrow.
  • The song is perfect for those who enjoy some existential contemplation or emotional catharsis.
  • While there may not be hidden messages or secret codes, it's still a great piece of music.
  • Don't worry too much about intricate symbolism – just let the lyrics resonate with you in your own way.